cleverness goes here

I sure wish he would get a sudden itch to take a vacation to visit the Hague.

Maybe it’s not a bad thing he just sits back and paints his little dog pictures. I really don’t think he needs to do anything else. Let’s just let him fade into obscurity.

I’m saying he’s useless. Unlike other former presidents, he’s got no burning desire to help the world around him. The one speech he gave to the wounded vets ended being a paid speech.

I mean, counterpoint, are you saying that we’d be better off with GWB getting anywhere near another “high stakes crisis?” I think the cream has risen as far as it needs re: painting his own feet.

I mean, I don't think that precious little sea cucumber did much actual Presidenting. Chaney, however, has had appx 9 heart transplants.

That’s because he didn’t actually continue working. He’s got nothing to be stressed about and no guilty conscience to keep him up at night.

Out of the four living former presidents, one cured a disease and still gets deployed as a diplomat during high stakes crisis.... another makes sure life saving AIDS medicine gets distributed in Africa and is also a diplomat used during the most sensitive situations...... and there’s G-Dub, who paints and tips well

Are Trump and Cruz making you feel a little weird about GWB?

I wish he was as good at president-ing as he is at tipping and shoe-dodging.

He really doesn’t seem like such a bad egg if you forget most of his 8 years.

In fact, commenters are content providers at Gawker. Gawker is more a discussion board then anything else.

Jesus. She can say “no shit it doesn’t care about commenters,” laugh, and keep her job. It blows my mind.

She’s screencapping & mocking comments from here on Twitter too. And Tweeting @ herself. Like a 12-year-old or something. One comment she posted was stating Gawker doesn’t care about commenters now, to which she added- “LOL no shit”.

Fair. And commenters/readers are advertisers’ customers.

I can’t tell you how mad it makes me that Kara brown still has a job after going through comments and literally copying and pasting the definition of “simple” (as in stupid) in reply to anyone who questioned her thesis - excuse me, fact - that they should have cast more black characters in a historic period piece

Although I general hate people who treat other people badly (‘paying customer’ status does not justify being an a-hole), I do derive some pleasure from the thought that she maybe gave Drumpf all hell.

Oh my. I once was put in the grey by that annoying Jenna Whatshername who would always get into fights with commenters who had a different opinion.

What is it that you don’t get? The post that got me banned, or the fact that Kara Brown banned me? If it’s the former, here’s what I meant. Brown wrote an article about how both Taylor Swift and Kanye West are annoying. She wrote it right after West went nuts on Twitter with pro-Bill Cosby positions and other crap.

This is all it took:

You can’t do this and expect people to ignore it