
Why should there be any policy other than: finish your term of service first, period. The taxpayers pay the college expenses of these athletes and have a right to expect they will fulfill their obligations before they give themselves a CTE playing in the NFL and become disabled.  

Capitalism doesn’t care whether you live or die.

It is all about making the quarterly numbers. I call it the companies90 day long term vision....”

Then why does every single business do this?

jesus, someone has a land rover

Someone needs to relax

It's not a joke when JLR is consistently at the bottom of initial quality and reliability surveys.

Well you can say the Lego probably has better initial quality than the Land Rover.

Love my Seiko 5 in navy blue. Great recommendation.

Weekender>easy reader

One of the least expensive automatics you can buy. In the right color, you can add a leather band to dress it up. But best of all, it shows the day of the week, so you always have the answer when you wonder whether it’s Tuesday or Wednesday or whether it even matters.

Right. That attitude right there got us into this nightmare. Those damn purity test azzholes.


Leading the opposition to Trump and his policies is the last thing Obama should be doing.

Working on getting the Obama Foundation and presidential library seems like a good use of his time to me. Also that time off? Well earned. I hope he and his family enjoyed every second of it.

It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.

How can he do all this altruistic shit you expect of him when almost all of his time is dedicated to running the Deep State?

User name checks out.

You are the second person to say that to me today. So.

This is why i can’t stand listening to idiots who babble on about how deregulation ruined air travel. People will say that the flights were so much nicer, bigger seats, hotter flight attendants, better in flight service. It would be one thing if these complainers were rich assholes bitching about having to fly with