I will never forget the news describing black people “looting” and white people “finding food” when they were both doing the same thing.
I will never forget the news describing black people “looting” and white people “finding food” when they were both doing the same thing.
I came here hoping someone would be talking about the classism from this episode, how Caitlyn said that young trans people are not working because they get more money from social programs. This. This is what you chose to highlight??????? Hopefully there’s someone with more than a fluff piece in the morning.
I feel compelled to share this bit of wisdom by David Foster Wallace everywhere I read anything about suicide in the hopes that it can help people - even one person - understand. (Kinja screwed up the formatting and won’t let me change it, but I feel like it’s kind of appropriate for the message.)
Let’s be real now. Oppressed groups will remain oppressed if they never change the minds of the oppressors. We live in a world dominated by straight white men. And no minority movement (feminism, gay rights, anti-segregationists in the 60s, etc.) has ever in history made any sort of progress without getting some of…
My grandma was a total badass and trailblazer, and my grandpa was shy and sweet. Family lore holds that one morning he was heading out to do chores and she said “I thought I’d make us some cake this afternoon and have the pastor over.” He assents. She adds “...And then I thought while he’s here we could get married.”
I technically did the asking, I’m not sure if this counts though.
Sure, a white, college educated women, is having an identity crisis. BOO HOO WHITE LADY IDENTITY CRISIS.
She won’t get any of my empathy. She is belittling black women. She thinks that all it takes to be a black woman is to tan your skin, wear shitty wigs, and take black dick. She is scum.
he’s tall ENOUGH. *WINK*
Can we talk about real issues facing black people? Get back to the coverage of white cops shooting or harming unarmed black people? Maybe the idea that because someone is disrespectful to the cops, they deserve to be shot?! This one white person has no real bearing on my world. I don't even know what the NAACP does…
Rachel Dolezal’s white biological parents appeared on HuffPost Live this afternoon for an interview that was both…
It’s almost as though the state of Georgia thinks it owns this woman’s body.