Let me guess, you've starred in 2 XM Radio commercials?
Let me guess, you've starred in 2 XM Radio commercials?
Hey, David Bowie, Elvis, and my brother all have the same birthday. I'll have to make sure my brother knows that, so he can feel super inadequate since he's not a rock star.
I cannot say the word "tapestries" without using Harrison Ford's terrible Scottish accent.
OK, I looked at the header image 4 or 5 times before realizing that it didn't say "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…" I think my mind just automatically filled that in when I saw the blue letters on black background.
Songs we discovered via video games, eh? I actually have one of those. I discovered the Rolling Stones' "Paint It Black" from playing Twisted Metal: Black back in the day. It played over the opening, if I remember correctly. Still one of my personal favorite Stones songs.
I dunno I can imagine a situation where I legitimately enjoyed my job, was good enough at it that I made a ton of money and still really loved doing it, and then had someone say "we'd like to pay you even more money to continue doing this thing that you enjoy doing anyway." I'd go for it.
So, season 3, episode 7 would just be 60 minutes of the cook at King's Landing telling Cersei about every dish he's prepared for Joffrey's wedding?
Well played, sir. But what happened to all the geese?
I believe the Vulcan, Soval, is also the same actor who appeared in Enterprise as the character (I don't remember his name).
Indeed. I've never been happier that we've clinched the first-round bye week.
Are the Jets solidly in the playoffs yet, or do they still need losses by other teams to give them a shot?
I literally only know this song from Rockapella singing it on "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" one time. But it's always stuck with me for some reason.
Upvoted for the elevator that was "Raising Arizona Senator John McCain." Well done, sir (or madam).
This is a tough call. They're both so good and so different. I'm gonna give the edge to Jackson 5, though, only because they DON'T include the "Jingle Bells" coda that is so overused in Christmas songs.
I remember that the stuff that the humans were mining out of the giant tree was called "unobtanium." And wasn't the main character named Jake, or Sully? Or was it actually "Jake Sully"?
I voted for Garland, because her version is obviously better, but I do have a slight quibble with the headline to this piece? This song is not "merry." And Garland's version is better because it is in fact less merry than Sinatra's.
Well, there is more than one writer on staff, after all. I think they're allowed to have differing opinions from each other, especially when they even mention in the article that another writer said something different, as Gwen did.
And Catholics. I think Catholics are still fair game.
Best supergroup ever? I can't think of any better.
They waited 25 years to make a sequel starring Dolph Lundgren?