X-Files theme music—great TV theme, or greatest TV theme? For me, hearing it has been the best part of these 10-second teasers.
X-Files theme music—great TV theme, or greatest TV theme? For me, hearing it has been the best part of these 10-second teasers.
It was the episode with the guy whose mood affected people around him. He goes into a strip club and affects the dancer, who kisses him. Olivia is tracking him by somehow projecting herself into his mind, so we see it as the stripper kissing Olivia.
Sure, that's where the "I'll be in my bunk" quote comes from. Inara entertains a senator who turns out to be a woman. Maybe not quite the same as what the video describes, but still the only lesbian kiss in the series.
Maybe. But i think also that the actress just who played ezri just wasn't up to it.
Ah, i don't think i ever caught that before. Interesting.
I think it's just morphed into having a woman on the show be "bisexual" for a string of episodes, but still mostly be straight and end up with a guy. I'm thinking specifically of Bones here, where Angela (who had always been presented as free-spirited and artistic, but always dating men) suddenly had a former…
Everybody loves Foreigner! And this song is awesome.
I don't recall that, but it's been awhile since I've watched that episode.
I feel like this trope hasn't really gone away. Seems like every show to air on Fox has to have at least one lesbian kiss. Firefly did it, Fringe did it, Bones did it (though there was a short multi-episode arc there—i think it still counts). House, of course, with Olivia Wilde.
Right, that was weird. But somehow less uncomfortable than when she kissed Mirror Ezri. I don't know why, but that scene was just super awkward.
The Mirror universe in DS9 had made a bunch of female characters lesbians. Mirror Ezri, Mirror Leeta, Mirror Kira. I don't think Mirror Jadzia was though.
I stand corrected. I probably didn't know the name Rick Berman back when i heard that story, so replaced it in my mind with Roddenberry as the one Star Trek creator/producer that I did know.
I thought it was actually the exact opposite—Roddenberry was actually opposed to having gay characters, so much so, that one of the minor characters in First Contact (the one who was never on the show, who i think ended up getting assimilated while Picard and Worf were on the outside of the ship doing something to the…
Actually, I think he fell in love with a holographic representation of the designer of the Enterprise's warp engines; then when she actually visited the ship in a later episode tried to date her and found out that she was both not the same person as the hologram and also married.
I also wondered how everyone could hear and understand what he was saying, though I suppose you could say they had some kind of comm device inside the helmet that transferred his voice to an audible range. I can't think of any time where he actually talked to anyone while small (or at least anyone who wouldn't…
My son has a "Super Friends" coloring book, in which a giant octopus comes up from the ocean and attacks a ship, and Aquaman can't deal with it on his own and has to call in the rest of the Super Friends. Granted, this isn't canon and I'm sure it's meant to have some sort of message about teamwork (it really seems…
I'm sure someone has already mentioned this, but Patton Oswalt is the definitive hater of The Christmas Shoes. There's really no need to anyone else to be interviewed about it at this point.
Isn't this just required of any TV station? If you play one Back to the Future, you play them all. It's like Lord of the Rings, where it's really just one long film that was conveniently split into 3 parts. But not like the Hobbit, which was one film that was needlessly stretched into 3 parts (or so i hear, since i…
Frankly, I had totally forgotten about the existence of those things. Which seems weird, 'cause they were sort of a major part of Zod's plan.
I saw Frozen (where the kids are stuck on the ski lift). It was alright, but I couldn't get over how dumb the kids were.