
RIP the Duck Commander Independence Bowl (2014-2014).

I wonder if my idea of the ClevelandMike Bowl sponsored by Insert Local Cleveland Bank or Corporation Name Here will get any traction.

The dude moved out to Avon in the western CLE suburbs (to a golf course community called Red Tail, where a couple of other Browns players live) in order to get away from Downtown, East 4th, and the partying.

The White Seneca Wallace with an alcohol problem is how I am going to address Johnny Manziel from now on. Nice burn.

Those of us who have been to College Station understand your point.

Our problems seem to be front and center to everyone across America. Other so-called glorious places to live attempt to hide their shame.

How many times do I have to tell everyone that it’s the Cuyahoga River that caught on fire, not the damn lake.

I found the University of Arizona grad! #BearDown

Thanks for letting me know Casino was on IFC. Goodfellas is on right afterward (a more-than-palpable alternative to Sunday Night Football, as Goodfellas is one of the ten greatest films ever made), and now I can DVR them back to back.

We’ve now passed the time frame of Lisa’s wedding.

Dude, this ain’t the old Cleveland. The old Cleveland will die soon, if it isn’t dead already.

I passed the bar exam in 1994. That makes me a virtual senior citizen on here, right?

Ding, ding. We have a winner.

Congrats to the Royals. You give this Indians fan hope.

Stancato’s is pretty good for a buffet, since most of it is Italian. It’s not the Horseshoe, but it’s decent.

That’s OK. The roads will be nice for a while starting next summer.

It’s really too bad there isn’t an NFL team called the Cougars. I sense a lost marketing opportunity by The Shield.

Parma’s not as racist as it used to be. Black people actually live there now! But I was there the other day, and you can tell there is a bit of a seething undercurrent. The Parma PD has gotten in trouble for racial profiling as recently as 2006.

I’m more spooked out by Michael J. Fox on the right.

Hookers, strippers, sex, and corruption.