
Yeah, we all saw that coming with Favre. Except if you lived in Minnesota — they felt they finally got one over on the Packers (stealing their QB) and he throws that INT.

Oh man, I remember that game. And feeling bad for Atlanta afterwards. You knew The Human Highlight Film would never make the NBA Finals after that defeat.

As a Clevelander, I speak on behalf of my city when I say thanks for taking that stiff Richardson off our hands. We turned your pick into Johnny Manziel, who might ultimately not be better, but be more fun than T-Rich and his bag of remote-control, ahem, "marital aids".

Do you guys realize how many expatriate Clevelanders/Browns fans live in California? Mostly in SoCal, but I know of a fairly large number in the Bay Area.

It took almost five hours for the inevitable Beavis pic re: "bunghole". Come on gang, you're slipping.

Most Clevelanders will sell their firstborn for "some championships". The Cavaliers get Kevin Love for the rest of his twenties. Kyrie is already here and LeBron will stay because of the next TV deal.

The Cavaliers would not make this deal without the long-term commitment. Plus, they only make this deal if they have Wiggins in the first place. I don't think they have the assets otherwise.

Sorry I'm just posting now. I fainted and woke up only about a minute ago.


Honestly? I like the guy. He owns Fulham F.C. in London as well. The Cottagers recently played a game at Everbank Field against D.C. United.

The only reason why I said that was for the competitive advantage that axtell spoke of. Granted, it wasn't steroids, but there was some handwringing then. Of course, there was also handwringing over Rose keeping a mistress in every National League city.

Jacksonville has hosted a Super Bowl. Again. JACKSONVILLE HAS HOSTED A SUPER BOWL.

Pete Rose is pushing 75 and he admits using greenies, among other things, way back when. Rose even said players would drink copious amounts of black coffee if nothing else was available.

Thoughts? A local ice cream maker even has a flavor using this beer — Edmund Fitzgerald Chocolate Chunk. It is damn good.

These better be criminal investigations of the players themselves, then. Because there are all sorts of HIPAA/privacy concerns otherwise. Plus, considering the time frame, how many of these players are still playing?

I had completely, and I mean COMPLETELY, forgotten that Leah Remini was on that show. Cute girl, but I think she'd be a pain in the butt to live with. At least Leah gave up $cientology, so she gets points for that.

I quit drinking last year, but I would buy you a beer.

I would pay for an Amazon Prime account just to watch that show. And face it, you would too.

Meh. At least we will be relevant, even if it's in the worst possible way.

No — Yuengling is also brewed in Tampa, which has plenty of expatriate Keystoners.