Over the last 54 years, we’ve had short Bonds and tall Bonds, British Bonds, Scottish Bonds, and even an Asian Bond,…
I can promise you, from the bottom of my heart, I have never said anything along the lines that ice cream has the power to change one’s sexual orientation.
He sounds like a great candidate for Trump’s EEO officer.
The course’s name strikes you as being the immediate problem here.
The problem is your refusal/inability to read the word in context. “Whiteness” is clearly not referring to the immutable physical trait in this instance.
Yeah, it’s almost as if you have to think more deeply about what the phrase means instead of taking it at its most literal interpretation. Like a university student.
Yep. Our country has been 200+ years of rich white people scamming poor white people into voting for them over and over and over.
That’s the thing that pisses me off about the Democrats, they always try to play nice. They keep trying to find common ground and listen. They’re dealing with children. They have to stop being nice and kowtowing to these fucking pissbaby toddlers.
So this is where we are. A court of law has ruled that discrimination against LGBT people by the government of Louisiana is perfectly Constitutional despite ruling after ruling to the opposite, including from the Supreme Court.
All of his arguments and insults are ad hoc, so to look for some logical consistency is a fool’s errand.
Every year after 2014 was also the hottest year ever recorded. And I don’t mean that sarcastically or anything. 2015 was hotter than 2014 and 2016 is on course to be hotter than 2015
I don’t think that it’s her age that makes her an idiot.
If you were a liberal snowflake, you might have received adequate funding for an education and realised that “was” is the wrong tense to use in that tweet.
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
Uhh I’m going to go with noooo.
PSA: Don’t buy a car from a seller that uses the word “dope”, and also doesn’t know the difference between “there” and “they’re”. Also, his piss-poor taste was probably also applied to maintenance/mods.
HARD. How about, 15 years for every woman he stole 15 years from.
And apparently when the president of Argentina called to congratulate him, he asked him to help push through with the permits on a building project of his there.