
As People reports, an enduring myth that period blood contaminates water leads to warnings against women swimming while menstruating. In fact, some Chinese viewers argued that Fu must have lied about having her period. Swimming with it, they reasoned, would have been impossible. But these reactions only manifest old,

You can merge early or late but bassackwards courtesy will still screw everything up.

Dear ‘Murricans on Jalopnik - please stop being stupid. Can You? Please?

Things you should never do in a CVT vehicle:
1) Drive a CVT vehicle

True victims’ bodies have a way* of shutting this down.

Had she had a gun, she would have been alive now, as guns defend people from other guns, duh!

(Well, that’s kind of the point of training.)

Only the good guys had guns, so I’m sure she’s actually fine.

This story is exactly the kind of thing that will give him a huge bump in the polls. They like him because he’s a racist, sexist pig, not despite it. Also, I don’t know if you saw this but if there was any doubt that the only illegal immigration his supporters care about is if it’s a brown-skinned immigrant, check out

If Lot had sons, he would have sent them out.

“...this is parable, not history.”

Can we stop using “pussy” as a word to mean weak though? My vagina has birthed three god damn kids.

“When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist.”

I’d have more respect if they could recognize the basic fact that people have always, ALWAYS known exactly what is and isn’t racist. The only difference now is you’re less likely to get actually for-real lynched for pointing it out or speaking against it. People of color’s reaction hasn’t changed, it’s just gotten

White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.

I’m not saying Trump isn’t racist! I’m just saying it’s a sad time in history now that racism is generally considered a bad thing.

Old Man Yells at Chair

I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.

Obvious comment is obvious.

She doesn’t even go here!