Unfortunately this individual did not remove himself from the gene pool so he does not meet the criteria, despite unbelievable stupidity.
Unfortunately this individual did not remove himself from the gene pool so he does not meet the criteria, despite unbelievable stupidity.
Apologies to all you smokers out there, but smoking is dumb.
What undesirable meaning the DMV might’ve thought that “BOOURNZ” might convey? Maybe they thought you were endorsing arson? The terrifying prospect of recreation marijuana use? Further sequels in the Bourne movie series?
It is?
Drunk? Whaddya mean? Ain’t you heard about alla them tornadoes we been havin?
FYI, the phrase “on the ground” that the crew keeps repeating is railroad-ese for a derailed car -- as opposed to on the rails.
If he had hit someone else’s car, the city would be liable.
By “other reference” you mean the pictures of Bond villain Auric Goldfinger posted by Cayde-6?
can you imagine being told “here, put your life in danger over a software update” and the person going “derp! OK!” and actually doing it?
I was in the future of the US.
I didn’t call you anything...
Yeah I mean you implied that you’re antisemitic with that statement so maybe clear that up instead of acting like ancestry precludes the possibility.
Your explanation is forehead-smackingly sensible, and as an atheist, I am a fool for assuming that Mr.Kalmowitz was implying that his god was superior to Ms. Celestine’s god, when a much simpler and better explanation is that he was implying that there is no god. I am so used to seeing theists everywhere that I refuse…
Maybe it’s because God didn’t tell her to go on a shooting spree?
I am fascinated by the author’s use of quotes around the word “god” in this context; implying that while Ms. Celestine’s concept of a god is bogus, Mr. Kalmowitz knows that his god is genuine. The only word for it, again, is fascinating.
Oops. Forgot to clarify that the 200-300 thousand jobs I cited above were merely the ones that can be directly attributed to Trump’s tariffs. His overall jobs record across the scope of his term was a net loss of almost 3 million jobs.
...Donald Trump was a GOLD MINE. Dude did essentially nothing...
I really hope the extremists are successful in booting Johnson and sending their party into another speakership crisis. The more they put their insanity on display, the less likely they’ll be to win the majority of white house again.
While the initial image is extremely blurry due to a broken camera on HUGIN