
Because I am a pedant at heart, I want to clarify that Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” comment was limited to what she loosely termed “half” of Trump’s supporters, and referred explicitly to — and I quote:

Did this bad copycat seriously refer to the 1st Amendment as the 2nd Amendment? Was that supposed to be a joke, d’ya think? Is this maybe overall merely a bad attempt at parody?

*hot hub

This is not much of a relief, but the linked article’s graphic description of what they captured on film refers only to this outstanding educator jacking off while getting the dog to lick his asshole. Aside from the fact that that almost sounds like something a dog might do of its own volition, I am going to assume

So is there a regional usage map of “blinkers” vs “hazards”?

Who cares?

Can I assume that the reason that Gamer boys react this way is that admitting it’s true would be admitting that they regularly have, and will continue to, lose to girls?

Advice on what to do while awaiting trial is advice on what to do while awaiting trial.

So does this mean that you really can tell what color suit a dead guy was thinking about buying when he was murdered by looking at his bones, like the show Bones makes out?

Tires are pretty freaking loud at speed.

Odd coincidence. I just saw a fully restored (resto-modded; it was rolling on 18s) similar vintage Maverick on the highway here in the unfriendly-to-car-bodies Chicago a couple of days ago, and was shocked when I considered that I probably haven’t seen one of these in what seems like 30 or 40 years.

The sky above New York City glows with a menacing orange color akin to the desert wasteland seen in films like Mad Max: Fury Road.

But it does raise the question of what if it recognized the object as a child, would it have swerved then?

Where is that quote from?

“Neither the safety operator nor the autonomous system braked to avoid collision”

What often gets twisted in Stand Your Ground laws is that, by the letter of the law, you still can’t use deadly force unless there is a “reasonable” fear that your life is threatened or in imminent danger.

Some people have fired warning shots to get people back off. Marissa Alexander did just this, and was arrested and jailed for it, despite trying to use the Stand Your Ground law in Florida. She’s out now after a plea deal, but she never should have been arrested.

After 60+ years, he nearly tripled his investment. Genius!

$5,000 parked in an S&P index fund in 1960 would be worth $2.1M today.

Was any of this really buried though? For centuries there have been reports from people all over the world

I’m going with: He heard someone else laying out the imagined chain of events and misunderstood it to be, at some level, a description of actual events.