If you replace “Brooks” with “Stewart” in your comment, I’ll agree 100%.
If you replace “Brooks” with “Stewart” in your comment, I’ll agree 100%.
In my personal experience in July and August, you can see through the trees well enough to see another vehicle — even a bike. YMMV.
Literally every turn is blind.
Your career of benefiting from your family name is basically over. Sad.
That really goes for all isms; not just Libertarianism.
Now, if the WH website would only replace “Obamacare” in that copy with “Cynical, self-serving, mercenary Republican legislation that intentionally gutted vital Obamacare funding,” then it would be, like, you know, accurate.
i [sic] would put it on par with Luck [sic] Cage
I’m afraid there have already been a couple of those “Price-less” generations.
“References aren’t jokes” and so on.
Where is the “whoosh” button?
studies are suggesting an increase in dopamine for earworm songs. Your body isn’t doing that just because. It’s doing it because you like it.
Anything by Toto is not the worst song ever, but it’s pretty damn close.
I’ll forgive a lot of clumsiness in the storytelling/assembly of a sci fi flick; it ain’t exactly supposed to be Citizen Kane. But yeah, that was the kind of — well hamfisted is really the best term for it — mega-slab of exposition you’d expect if the audience were all under the age of 12. It would have been trivial…
No; you’re right: Watching a 30-second trailer is definitely the best way to determine every detail about a series of upcoming shows. You certainly didn’t make a flawed assumption based on almost nothing!
even the most skilled swordsman can be defeated by someone suffering from the throes of dysentery, if the sick bastard has a gun.
From a lot of accounts he’s always been this way...There are so many stories about about how petty and vindictive he is.
I scoured the first poster looking for Kevin. Thanks for letting me know I was wasting my time, and that he was in the “antagonists” poster.
Even with the presence of
Dwayne JohnsonKaren Gillan, I’m not sure I’m happy watching this.
This really comes off as the rantings of a dementia patient.
Here is hoping that you have a daughter and the guy that picks her up after school does it on a motorcycle. Then maybe you will be capable of empathy.