
I saw it in the theater—they didn't seem to notice that it was rated R, and they were cheerfully letting 12-year-olds in. All I knew about it was that it was written by the guy that made Dark Star, and that it took place in space.

The original Solaris is profoundly over-rated. There, I said it.

Oh, my gentle Jeebus. The horror.

Now playing

"It's vile! So cloying and bubbly...just like the Federation."

It's pretty dystopian if you're a Cardassian.

Yeah, he's wearing Henry Blake's fishing hat from M*A*S*H, not a genuine French Connection pork pie.

There will also be an extensive discussion on how to tie space knots. The movie will be about eight hours long.

You can't be uplifted if you build a starship. A spacefaring race finds you, uplifts you, eventually you earn the right to travel the stars yourselves, finding your own clients. The first human starship, at least, was built independently. Humans made it to the stars before being found by a patron. That's the source of

It's a perfect closed system. Like "The Terminator."

There aren't "brain limiters." That only-use-ten-percent-of-the-brain thing isn't true.

Yeah, but there's a big difference between 30 and 52.

It's a German study, their sample was drawn from Germans.

Mattel was kicking around the idea of a Rock Em Sock Em Robots movie, but this is not it.

What things?

Actually, since TNG was later, it was TNG et al that was inconsistent with the TOS use of the term quadrant. In TOS, quadrant didn't mean 1/4 of the galaxy. TOS also established a timeline that TNG gleefully ignored—World War II goes from being in the 1990s in TOS to 2030 or 2050 or something in TNG. Warp drive is

You're describing the crap-fest that was Voyager.

They were really inconsistent about distances. In ST:TMP, Scotty boasts that the new engines are so fast that they can get to Vulcan in only four days. In ST 2009 it takes ten minutes or so.

The 1957 BMW Isetta in the Sixties version of "Bedazzled."

Stainless steel isn't appreciably heavier than the standard steel that other cars were made of. A DeLorean weighed several hundred pounds less than other contemporary cars, like the non-stainless 81 Olds Cutlass. The DeLorean chassis was basically the same as the one on a contemporary Lotus Espirit. A DeLorean

Stainless steel weighs about the same as regular old steel.