
It's a miracle there was a season 2 of TNG.

Yeah, but Star Trek's first season was really good. I'm guessing none of the first few episodes of Terra Nova will be considered iconic science fiction classics forty years from now. Which Terra Nova episode so far has been as good as "The Naked Time" or "Enemy Within"?

I don't know. That would be an interesting thing to explore in a sequel, though, instead of giving us a prequel that answers questions we didn't ask about the Norwegians.

Mmm, no it can't. It will only get WORSE.

men have it too.

Well, that's never ever going to happen. No one is going to poke a giant 300 meter deep hole in the middle of a UNESCO World Heritage site. There's who-knows-what Aztec stuff under there. There was some minor digging not far from there for electrical lines and stuff thirty years ago, and that resulted in huge finds, a

Yep. Mexico delved too greedily and too deep, and awakened a nameless fear.

Here you go:

That should be on there.

Wow, Mission to Mars made a Ten Best list. I think this is a first.

A car so ugly AMC Gremlins laugh at it. Crack Pipe.

It's because most people don't have a place to keep a horse.

I see what you're saying.

The Bluesmobile was a Dodge Monaco, not a Crown Vic.

They are rebroadcasting it on Saturday.

If they're in an alternate timeline, and that's why they can't affect or go back to their original future, how come they can communicate with it?

If it's only a one way trip, and the Futurians never found the probe, how does the Future know that the time portal actually goes anywhere? Because the probe never returned, it's obviously an alternate timeline and therefore safe to send people in...WTF?

If it came out today, would they still premiere it with the mediocre train robbery episode, and then move it around aimlessly on the schedule?

Yes. Crusher's Law, first posited by scientists in the 1980s. It's essentially the inverse of the Will Robinson Effect.

That looks...charming.