
So, the Roman economy didn't experience any growth from, say, 30 BC to 100 AD. I see.

Wrong. There was certainly economic growth in Europe between 1500 and 1700.

Star Trek ISN'T supposed to be about Earth. It should be about a ship on the frontier. Roddenberry was deliberately vague about what Earth was like in the 23rd century in the original series, and the writer's guide told prospective writers not to write Earth-focused stories. The only time they ever went to Earth in

The tv episode where Kirk meets and exiles Khan was in the first season, not very long into Kirk's tenure as captain. Say what you will about the merits of using Khan, the time frame isn't really a problem.

Yeah, me too.

That speech is AS GOOD as the Henry V St Crispins day speech. There, I said it.

"Devastated" would be a better word.

Dr. Pulaski is better because she is, so far as we know, childless.

Now playing

The first computer VFX were from Star Trek II, not TRON.

Yeah, me too.

By "existing canon" do you mean all the crap that's not in the movies? I'm guessing it just ignores that.

I recognized nothing from the book, there. If I didn't already know Brad Pitt had been cast in WWZ, I would not have guessed that was what the trailer was for.

It was an oversaturated mess. "Not quite as bad as Dune" is not the same as "unsung masterpiece."


That's a hell of a speech.

Yeah, I'm mildly concerned that The Hobbit will have a lot more of the extraneous crap.

The Hobbit was a Bilbo-centric story about his growth as a person. If you add all this other stuff you are really losing sight of the actual story you are ostensibly telling. I'm mildly concerned about the Hobbit movies.

But there was a fundamentally serious premise—post-genocide survivors trying to rebuild and find safety—underneath all the cheese. I can understand the storytelling logic of focusing more on that dark premise and less on casino planets and so forth. But this quasi-Munsters thing just doesn't make sense. I'm guessing

Oh, I'm not going to pay sixty bucks to cringe anew at how terrible season one was. Pass.

Hey is that dog Krypto?