
You know, the whole "my wife is having trouble getting pregnant, so we're going to adopt" thing made no sense. This is a culture where you can order a million clones at the drop of a hat. And yet people still have fertility issues? The rich senator couldn't just order up a baby? Rich couple wants a baby and just sits

You're already hiding one of the kids on Tattooine, the home planet of one of the parent. Hell, you don't even change his last name.

Change the stupid "don't fire guy" to Jar Jar in an Imperial uniform.

Change Lando's line in Empire from "He's alive, and in perfect carbon freeze" to "He's dead." Then you can cut the long gratuitous Han-rescue from ROTJ, along with the Han-centric Ewok business. Use small amounts of the prequels as Godfather II-styled flashbacks in ROTJ instead.

Change the name of Naboo to Alderaan. That would add some emotional resonance to Alderaan's destruction, because it would be a planet we had actually seen.

Or that.

The polio/monkey/Africa/AIDS thing has been pretty thoroughly debunked.

Forbidden Planet is awesome on the big screen.

In two years we'll all be bitching about President Romney cancelling it.

Sometime around 2000.

You might refer to them as SD Discs or ACDs, depending on your universe variant. It would help me narrow it down if you could tell me how many Darrens you had on "Bewitched." Also, did you have Martin Landau play Spock, or was that Leonard Nimoy?

Hey, did you have Jack Lord or William Shatner as Captain Kirk?

That's true. The look is mostly from Secret of the Incas, not Steranko's imagination.

He looks more like Victor Mature than Tom Selleck in those pictures.

Could you get me some dvds?

Hey, look! Storyboards from "Secret of the Incas!"

So, basically, this will be more like World War Z than the atrocity with Brad Pitt?

Yeah, I couldn't scroll down fast enough to get away from that.

Eggs actually taste good cooked that way. It's not as weird as you'd think it'd be.