
Yes, but Flash Gordon and Hidden Fortress hadn't been made TOGETHER, and IN COLOR. So, maybe Star Wars wasn't pointless, though, of course, The Empire Strikes Back was, what with Star Wars already having been made.

Yes. Making Casino and Goodfellas was pointless, because The Godfather had already been made.

I think maybe he didn't read it.

"Strategery" was actually Will Ferrell, not Bush.

I was there, and actually, nobody asked about Darabont.

Yeah, that puzzles me, too. Hmm. What does NASA know that we don't?

This is some new use of the word "hilarious" with which I was previously unaware.


I doubt they're going to explain it at all. None of the other movies ever explained where the suit came from.

It was made out of Kryptonian super-cloth though, wasn't it? His little Krypton blankets or something?

They revised the spelling for the blu-ray.


You say that like it's a bad thing.

Stand by...FOR ACTION!!!

Now playing

I like the Lost in Space season 3 music and intro better

Oh, this is a waste of time. Just skip ahead to the part where the browncoats swarm the poll and vote for Firefly.

1. Hard to gauge because of feedback within the complex system, but anthropogenic change is a much bigger factor than cosmic rays/solar variability. You want a number? Two thirds. Two thirds is anthropogenic.

"Grounding the fleet of orbiters" and "gutting NASA" was done by the Bush administration and the GOP congress. The Democratic congress actually appropriated money to extend the shuttle program a bit beyond the original Bush-scheduled shutdown. If we'd stayed with the original GOP schedule there would have been fewer

A challenge from the left wouldn't make him move to the left. It would make him tout how centrist-y he was compared to his whacky leftist challenger, to appeal to independents.

There's an intelligent, well-spoken, educated, fiscally conservative, socially liberal candidate in the White House now, and half the country acts like he's two Stalins wrapped in a Hitler.