
The party of the Klan now isn't the Democrats. The pro-confederate revisionist party now isn't the Democrats, either. Do you prefer the party of neo-Confederates, the John Birch Society, The Patriot Act, Guantanamo, and the Iraq war Resolution, then?

The anti-science greens don't drive the Democratic party, though. They don't set a major-party agenda. There's zero equivalence between them and the anti-science elements of the GOP. Anti-science Republicans set the Republican agenda. Anti-science leftists do not set the Democratic agenda.

Free market didn't discover atomic power, or build the atom bomb, or go to the moon, or eradicate smallpox, or invent the internet. Those were some pretty significant achievements. That's some pretty revisionist history about conservatives and space, as well. Bush and the GOP congress cancelled the shuttle, not Obama.

Actually, I think there's quite a future in being The Stupid Party. If being stupid was a fatal flaw, the Republican Party would have vanished a while ago.

Because YOU didn't buy enough tickets to Terminator 4. These poor producers have to feed their kids somehow.

We'll still mock the Catera, though.

A $200 million Hungry Hungry Hippos movie (or 3H, as the ID4-styled teaser posters refer to it) is just what America needs to start feeling good about itself again.

Uh, you know you work for Gizmodo, right? Kind of a nerdy site? Working for a nerd site kind of makes you a nerd yourself, so dissing nerds, on your nerd blog, for being nerdy, is probably not a great idea.

If we're adding 150 bucks to the price of an ipad to make it more laptoppy, why not just buy a low end Macbook Air?

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I noticed it when I saw it in the theater. The camera lingers on it. It's awful.

We're going to grind up pandas? How does that solve the oil scarcity problem? Aren't they kind of scarce? We'd be better off going back to using whales.

I don't think so, because the "no" in that film was very effective.

You know, if he wanted to fix something, he could fix the ridiculously bad wrist-stump prosthesis. Look at that picture. Vader just got his hand lopped off at the wrist, and yet...there's clearly a wrist there. It bends where the actor's hand is, inside the crappy prosthetic. Every time I see the movie, that just

Well, we'd be going back to a time when nobody had the capability to put someone into space, which would be pre-1961.


That does look like a Weyland Yutani logo, all right.

Soap operas are driven by a third thing, too: a horrific time crunch. You have to have scripts for five hours a week, every week. The scripts are awful because the time pressure is awful. They certainly aren't rushing to crank out five Mad Men a week, every week.

So, where the hell does this fit in the continuity? Is this movie pretending that the Patrick Stewart/Ian McKellen movies never happened? Or is the Mystique in those movies roughly the same age as Sir Ian and Sir Patrick?

Worth 35 billion? No he wouldn't. Steve Jobs is worth 8 billion. The guy with 10% wouldn't be worth 4 times what Jobs himself is worth. Wozniak is worth about 100 million.