
I did ok. Called it on Green Lantern.

The frozen looking parts could be Antarctica or northern Russia. There are scenes in both of those places.

The Enterprise had a bowling alley—a crewman referred to it once (in "The Naked Time," season 1), and it shows up on blueprints. So, presumably, there were people who's job it was to work in the bowling alley, although, sadly, we never see these people. I wish we had.

now that I think about it, I think John Meredith Lucas wrote the Klingon Phase II episode, but whatever.

According to Spock's explanation, the two kids meet, because they have to touch each other to mind meld. It was a parent-arranged meeting, though.

First, the pon farr on Genesis doesn't settle anything, because they immediately hustle him off to Vulcan anyway. ST III doesn't settle the question. Spock goes into pon farr and then promptly goes to Vulcan even more quickly then he did in Amok Time.

Are the Buck Rogers lyrics as horrific as the Star Trek lyrics?

Space whales are not space fish, they're space mammals.

Yeah, it was Roddenberry. Alexander Courage, who wrote the music, was really angry about it.

Try the syntha-veal! I'll be here until stardate 2343.62! Thank you!

"It's Spock who says he has to go to Vulcan."

Way to set the bar low, there, Captain.

The original is the best of the five. Beneath is pretty weak in many ways—it didn't have the budget of the first. I liked Escape and Conquest.

So, there's some poor kid from a boring farming planet, who joined Starfleet to see the galaxy and have adventures, and he ended up giving out bowling shoes in the Enterprise bowling alley? Poor kid.

Yeah, I could see a spirited argument as to whether Burton or Battle was the worst, but Battle being the best? No way.

If your favorite one is the Tim Burton abomination, it's not so much that you favor "style over substance" as it is that you're just an idiot.

This should be on the side of a van somewhere.

Now playing

Is there anything a hypospray to the neck CAN'T cure? Guess not.


That's not what he actually says, though. Listen to his explanation again. His explanation is all about the need to get to a specific place. Why couldn't T'Pring just high-tail it to Altair IV, then, and meet Spock there? He needs to go to Vulcan to complete the process—rage out, or mate. His explanation is pretty