
I'm just curious to see how/if they approach this. They went to great lengths to create a new timeline so they could change things without screwing up already established canon, but "Kelvin's destruction changed the timeline" as an explanation wouldn't apply to the stuff we learn about Vulcan biology in Amok Time. I

What's unclear about "If we don't get him to Vulcan, he'll die"? No unclear inference in that.

Do you enjoy pon farr, Jeffrey?

That's not the way they explain it. Watch the episode. "If we don't get him to Vulcan, he'll die, Jim. He'll die!" That's pretty unambiguous. It's not that he has to mate with T'Pring—he actually doesn't mate with her in the episode after all—he has to get to Vulcan to complete the process, whatever it is. McCoy and

Omigod, I was wrong.

You and me both.

That would be interesting.

Strictly speaking, there's no evidence that it's NOT the planet, either. Spock very explicitly says he has to go to Vulcan. It's pretty clear in the episode that he has to go there—he can't have a jar of Vulcan dirt shipped to him, he can't go to a brothel on Altair IV, and it's not available mates. Like a salmon, he

Spock went into pon farr on Genesis, and then, interestingly enough, went to Vulcan the next day. It was actually a shorter getting-to-Vulcan time frame than the one in "Amok Time." Getting to Vulcan in time was never an issue in STIII because the whole point of the movie was to get Spock to Vulcan.

Now playing

Oh, it's not an inference. Look at the episode. Spock straight-out says he has to get to Vulcan or die. That's the central conflict in the episode. Can the Enterprise get Spock to Vulcan so he doesn't die? Spock compares Vulcans to salmon. "On your earth...the salmon. They must return to that one stream where they

I like to think that Sybok and all other evidence of Star Trek V perished in the destruction of Vulcan.

Unless you clone them, Vulcans are just going to die out. Pon farr doesn't mean getting busy, it means getting busy ON VULCAN. The problem in "Amok Time" was getting Spock to Vulcan, not getting Spock laid—Nurse Chapel would have fixed THAT problem. The episode would have been a couple of minutes long if pon farr was

Killed Hicks off? Alien 3? What are you talking about? Ripley and Hicks adopted Newt and bought a farm in Iowa with their Weyland-Yutani settlement money. No need for an Alien 3—-what an absurd notion!—because al the loose ends were wrapped up in Aliens.

Movie about Lucifer, huh?

Arnold ruined it in some interviews, too, well before the trailers. He said things about being a hero in the sequel and so forth.

Which truck scene are we talking about? The one toward the end of the movie? You know it can shapeshift well before then. That's the one I thought you were talking about. The problem here is that there are too many scenes that could be called "the truck scene."

You know the t-1000 can transform almost immediately in the movie, when it transforms into the cop. It also impersonates John's foster mother, and you see part of the transformation then. Arnold's t-800 also explains the shapeshifting ability to John. You know it well before the truck scene.

They've already diverged pretty substantially. The CDC guy told them there isn't a viable government or anything in Washington, so it'll be hard to persuade the group to go there now, like they did in the comic. The divergence is already so substantial that there's no going back.

It's basically a scam.