
The theatrical version had David Lynch's name on it.

It's awful in pretty much every way a movie can be awful. Bad script, bad acting, bad effects, bad editing, bad directing, bad music, bad everything. It looked bad and sounded bad. I saw it in the theater on opening weekend, and almost half the audience left before the movie was over. When it ended, the remaining

No, it does not. It is one of the worst movies ever.

Well, you'd be hard pressed to make Lynch's movie worse.

Oh yes. The director has to make the poster, develop the film, and sell popcorn at the LA premier. It's a long-standing Hollywood tradition, dating back to Chaplin.

That's stupid. Nolan made the movie, but Nolan didn't make the poster. You can't assume that the aesthetic of the poster has some deep relationship to the theme or narrative ambitions of the movie. The poster is more about the narrative ambitions of the marketing department.

True. There is evil there that never sleeps.

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I too have wondered about that. As have some other people, apparently.

It fits into Star Wars continuity the same way Spock Must Die! fits into Star Trek continuity.

Yes it is.

Calculon singing at the wedding is a hell of a lot like Johnny Fontane's subplot, and the dialogue with characters recognizing Calculon is a lot like the dialogue of people recognizing Johnny Fontane in the Godfather. Watch the beginning of Godfather and Godfather II again. There were a lot of visual shout-outs to

"Am I a robotic clown? Do I amuse you?" *smashes head in with mechanical arm*

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No references to the beginning of The Godfather? You know that the beginning of the Godfather is at the Don's daughter's wedding, right? Just like this episode? You know that part where the Donbot makes a reference to "this, my daughter's wedding"? That's a line from the beginning of the Godfather. The singer?

So, do they never utter the word "Mars" at all? Do they just refer to the place as Barsoom, and never actually mention that Barsoom is the Martian name for Mars?

Read Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, then stop. There are three Star Wars films, and there are three books in the EU.

You mean, "Dees-PATCH Warrrrr Rrrrrrrocket Ajax to brrring bahk hizzz BOODY!"

It doesn't, really.

The whole series was made during the Nixon administration, between 1968 and 1973. In many ways it wasn't a very liberal time.

PS Don't buy the Ford Granada.