
I spent an ill-advised weekend on Tinder. No more. I don't know what it says about me but I'll just stick to OKC!

And photos of them underwater, diving.

People usually trip up at my last name. It sounds very close to "Shakur" (as in Tupac).

Ugh, break it down syllable by syllable, people. If you're feeling brave, go for it. If not, ask us and learn how to pronounce it.

Sigh, I feel you. A part of me wishes that I don't need online dating but I don't have that many friends who can introduce me to new ones. I've ventured into Tinder after OKC and it's making me feel a little depressed.

I'm so sorry to hear that. Breakups are painful. I'm still recovering from my breakup a year ago to my ex-fiancé of 5 years. You will have days where you will feel good, some not so good. Just remember that everyday is still a step forward in healing yourself. *hugs*

7 Apr. My man-friend is on a two-week holiday back home so no sexytimes until the end of the month. I'm bummed. :(

I miss you, milk. I wish I didn't have to give you up but the rancid milk farts and watery sharts just got to me.

I just realised that Tim Curry's Nigel of The Wild Thornberrys might (is?) have been inspired by Sir David Attenborough!

Share it with us in Romanized Hindi!

It was released in 2012, but it showed in my country a few months ago. Enjoy!

Have you seen the sequel, Yossi? It picks up about ten (I think?) years after Yossi and Jagger and though sad in some parts, I thought it was beautiful.

Yes, it's the one and only Yerin!

Now playing

You should see her when she was 6 months old!

Isn't that Maddox?

Oh, god, I'm sorry you had to find out about the cheating. People can be cruel sometimes. My hair guy thinks that my ex-fiance must have cheated on me (we were in an LDR) but I don't think he did. Even if he did, I would rather not know about it and feel that ignorance in my case would be bliss.

I just wanted to say thank you to the kind GTers who responded to my rambling mess of a post three weeks ago. I read all your comments and am sorry I didn't write a reply. I was truly hysterical and only stopped the crying a week after posting that. I truly appreciate all your advice so thank you very much for that.

How was he creepy-looking?! He was my favourite because tween me thought he was hawt. Another favourite is A.J. Yes, I am greedy! That said, the handsomest of them today is Howie.

Chairman Mao is not pleased. That is Colonel Meow.

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