Clementine Danger

Yeah that’s all it is, just something fun to think about. After posting I did some google searches and learned a lot about uncanny valley that I never knew. One of the things is that it’s still debated if it’s an instinct or not. The other being that it also applies to other people and animals. I always thought it had

but definitely feels like we’re hitting diminishing returns with the intense focus on graphical fidelity.”

Is magus not here yet? I expected him to be near the top with his bullshit.

I am lucky I work for a company that realized this a decade ago. More to the point they realized office space cost way to much to rent and it was cheaper for them for most of us to work from home.

Any job you do with a computer and a phone can be done from any computer and phone, and making people go to a specific room to use a specific computer and a specific phone is infantalizing bullshit. Us disableds have been saying it for ages but it’s nice the rest of the world is catching on.

From Software dropped the ball.  Imagine seeing a patch update come out this morning that says “Added easy mode”.  Then actually have an option in game to enable it with a joke message when you do.  Or worse, no message at all, just have the game be even harder and not have it say anything.  

Genuine lol at the implication that Epic is fighting against Apple for anything other than their own profits

I’m sort of on the fence when it comes to copyrighting dance moves. On the one hand dance is really derivative, and when somebody claims to have invented a popular dance move, chances are the move was actually invented 50 years ago, and the claimant is just full of crap (see the Moonwalk).

This story is just a reminder that it’s best to think of this as Putin’s war, not Russia’s war. Because there are a lot of Russians (particularly the young) who don’t share Putin’s worldview.

Well with that attitude I’m just going to buy that game now even though I have a giant backlog because reviews are solid and I like me some RPG, jokes on you nice developer

“A fool and his money will be together forever, trust me, it’s in the blockchain!”

Luke, do you have any friends that are strippers? I suggest asking them what they think. Is it okay to have sex during a lunch break? What if it’s with a sex worker? What if you look at porn? Is that OK? Or is it only wrong if anyone else is there from the office?

It’s not a subject I’m especially interested in, but I’m willing to read more about it. I’m just not gonna watch this guy’s video.

I have bad news for them about wartime strike actions...

Hmm, sounds like some scab shit.

As you can imagine, parts of the community are frustrated by the studio’s decision, with one player saying the Cannibal is a “cannibal and murderer” who’s unconcerned with “the race of the person whose face he is wearing.” Others argue that “context is king,” and in a game like Dead By Daylight, in which the

“I hope you’re injured or killed because you dared to say mean things about the most innocent wonderful people of all: American law enforcement officers.”

Yup. Nine out of every ten players made it through Mass Effect 2’s final mission with everyone alive. In a mission that functions by design to have you lose some party members—one that’s so maze-like in its possible outcomes you basically need a byzantine flowchart to properly navigate every key decision.

Something Awful produced a wild amount of humor and culture for decades and had a massively outsized influence for a long time. It was a place where I learned a lot about writing, about politics and some other things.

But many, MANY trans people do consider it transphobic. So their opinion in this matter matters more than yours, and you should listen to THEM, not your own distorted, ignorant perspective.