Clementine Danger

Clearly the Bad Adults that are dangerous to my children and must be kept away from them at all costs are entertainment CEOs.

I also prefer new games over old games, but my guy, that’s a losing battle. Not just because of the studio intent behind them but because, well, people always seems to like those announcements. Not the games! The games themselves always disappoint. But people seem to like the hype merry-go-round as its own thing. It’s

Nothing but respect for people who go “what a freaky thing I just learned, let me use the collective power of all of human knowledge I have at my fingertips to educate myself further.” Genuinely, respect.

Can’t wait for the crypto bros to flame out for many reasons but also so I can buy new hardware!

I can set your mind at ease about that at least. I’ve seen that post too, and it’s a fun spooky thought but that’s not actually how these instincts evolve, like, at all. Not even a little bit.

We often like to paint upper management of publicly traded companies as psychopath robots built specifically to inhale joy and fart money, and they are surely that, but the truth is a lot of them also have very strong feelings about hierarchies and what people “below” them should and shouldn’t be allowed to do.

Any job you do with a computer and a phone can be done from any computer and phone, and making people go to a specific room to use a specific computer and a specific phone is infantalizing bullshit. Us disableds have been saying it for ages but it’s nice the rest of the world is catching on.

It would do a lot to instantly wipe out the more annoying corner of the fandom when they ragetweet themselves into an aneurysm.

Yes, but do they look too damn tasty to tolerate? Like it’s distracting from the actual game because all you can think about now is skewers and cakes? Because I’m plowing my way through FF15 right now and I’m constantly distracted by the food porn. It’s a serious problem.

This would all be so much funnier if it wasn’t for the brutal environmental destruction. Watching this tiresome bullshit go down is like crashing on a desert island with a tech bro and waking up to find him using the last potable water to wash his ass.

Man, I recently found out everyone was ironically memeing about those games instead of genuinely enjoying them like I did (how have I lived on the internet since the internet was a thing and never heard of Creepy Watson?) and that sucked, but they’re good lads. Twenty years now and I still get excited for new

Damn, reading these takes in March 2022 sure hits different.

The way queer rulers have done since the dawn of time, yes.

These people are never mad that they have to use these mechanics, they’re mad that the option is there at all. Don’t fall for their braying about historical accuracy and argue that they can just not use the option, that’s not the point. They’re mad that their antiquated barnyard braying is no longer going unopposed.

I know it’s correct but “suspected teenagers” reminds me entirely too much of the early 90s.

A ton of networking and work talk takes place over lunch breaks. I can see people of any gender not wanting to go to a strip club for lunch (besides the obvious they’re also expensive, loud and very uncomfortable for people with sensory issues) and if your bosses and their buddies are all in there chatting about the