
Nope because he’ll never get in.

As a Lakers fan and staunch Clippers hater, I love this. The better they do in the regular season, the sweeter their tears taste when they lose in Rd. 1 or max 2 of the playoffs.

For some inexplicable reason, this sent me from an abyssmal mood to pretty good. Can’t explain it, but thanks.

That’s it! I’ve come up with a new merchandising scheme!

I think this started awhile ago, at least in CA. I grew up on the outskirts of LA county, and neither any of the schools I attended at any level nor any of the schools we played sports against had football. As far as I know, there weren’t any non-school related teams around either (if there were, I never met anyone

“the Clippers get, well, Melo, which is still a self-evidently appealing prospect even at this point in his career.”

I could taste test for ya

IGN has a video of the two running side-by-side. The headline implied some graphical differences, but in true IGN fashion, the video wouldn’t play (for me, at least). Might be worth checking out.

Damn I miss him. That’s hilarious.

Good point.

I concur. This is why I was against any of them speaking. My first “talking game” was FFX, and I’ve had legit nightmares of Link w/a Tidus voice. But if they’re doing others’ voices, they have to give Link one, or it will be just as terrible as giving him a terrible voice, in my opinion. Just please Nintendo, don’t

Cosmo Canyon. I turn on ffxv and set it to that track on repeat like 10 hours a day now. It’s so perfectly mellow

Yeah, if they’re trying to convince me not to get this, then they’re doing a great job.


Oh, I don’t see it myself, but I think I can see how someone would. I’d decided you were screwing with us and thought it was very clever and funny. Thank you for taking the time to clarify.

Yeah, I think a no-food or no ascension nodes that cost 99 or more AP would be much tougher than a level 1 run, for FFXV.

There is always free-roam available. You talk to a dog at any rest point and something memories something magic you’re in open part and can free roam.

Wasn’t FF8 easier at level 1 bc of enemy scaling? I’m pretty sure I did a lvl 99 run and couldn’t beat final boss bc once you hit lvl 90 or so it got supermoves. So I did another run in which I fled every battle, got to last boss at lvl 19 or so and crushed it.

This is good kinja

Are you playing with us? Where is this “hidden N?”