
Justice stems from the Latin word for law (ius, iuris). Laws have often enforced inequality, but today they do the opposite. In other words, laws are relative to a specific time and place. Therefore justice is also relative.

If only he would go full Heath Ledger Joker, instead

We only hired this guy because we thought he was the... real McCoy


“Now of course communities have enacted the penalty of death for many offences far lighter than this: still hope leads men to venture, and no one ever yet put himself in peril without the inward conviction that he would succeed in his design. Again, was there ever city rebelling that did not believe that it possessed

Is retribution inherently bad? I’m not sure, either way.

Season 2 this year also kills everything. In-game announcers re-start as though it’s a new story, e.g., “This is Pres.’ first NBA start!” and “There’s his first bucket in the NBA!”

Mid-80s is right on the edge between Gen. X and Gen. Mills.(according to wikipedia). I think some of us who don’t use social media, smart phones, or undersized clothes take advantage of being born in that liminal period to avoid the millenial label.

Thank you.

Gluten sensitivity is made up. Even the guy who published the first article on it has since retracted that article and written new ones saying that it’s not real.

I want them to move so I can be a free-agent fan and pick an organization that doesn’t have its head so far up its own ass that it’s gnawing on its own esophagus.

In my family we call (American) football “handegg.”

Where/what is Corea?

That’s good to know. My instinct would have been to stay in the car because it seems safer to me. Thanks for the tip!

Any tips on what to do if it dies on highway and I’m stuck in a lane? I know to turn on the hazard lights, but I don’t have a plan for after that.

For what it’s worth, I was robbed in Florence and my iphone was not taken. I’ve always assumed it was because it could be tracked. I don’t speak Italian so I don’t know for sure, though.

I think they’re everywhere in the US east of about Utah.

Pretty sure it’s Trebek.
