
Not as good as Kobe


Not sure if neck joke......

So with that in mind, I’m gonna side with my colleague Tim Burke and say Centennial would fucking bury those book-sniffing commie losers.

Trick question?

Then whatever “it” is, America does not have a monopoly on it.

I doubt it. America has no monopoly on dumb people. It’s just a caricature, and not entirely unexpected either.

I had not seen that. Hilarious. I’m betting I could go to Sydney, London, Berlin, Moscow, Ottawa, or just about any major city and find some equally dumb people.... assuming that they understand english, basic italian, or basic arabic.

...and that separate French Government only had marginal authority in France (based out of Vichy), and even that came to an end in 1942 in response to the Allies invading Northern Africa. Normandy was under German military rule when it was invaded. It was de facto part of Germany. Germany was in control of the entire

Technically, it was occupied by Germany, sooooooo Normandy, at that time, was Germany.

Those reasonable people would have to have someone that inspires them to get up. If you are already going to vote, you are usually voting against the person you don’t want to see in office rather than for the person you do want to see in office. Such is the unavoidable consequence of our voting system. However, when

when he eventually fucks off back to Apprentice-land

I’m sorry to have to break this to you, but America is not what you thought it was.

(imitation Spam)

I once used a spoon

Sort of looks like he's trying to deflate that ball.

Yeah. You’re right. Someone else pointed that out earlier. Momentary confusion on my part.

How about a time where trouble was narrowly avoided? Mr brother and I threw a huge party in my parents’ old house they were trying to sell. 60-80 people. Made it home after and the next morning my dad walks into my brother’s room and tells him an old neighbor left a message for him last night. Apparently there were a