Ah. You’re right. Somehow forgot it was the lateral play and not a passing play.
Ah. You’re right. Somehow forgot it was the lateral play and not a passing play.
What about special rules for QBs? Forcibly hitting a QB in the head or neck area is a roughing the passer penalty regardless of grasping. Since we’re using legal terms, this would be called a harmless error in calling it a facemask v. roughing the passer. Same result.
ALL calls? ALL? As in every call or non-call?
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All clad triply stainless 12 inch fry pan with lid is 90 bucks today on Amazon. That's 55% off
Guy on the street wasn’t knocked out. He was just doing his best Pacquiao impersonation. 9.5/10
The guy was probably running around shouting “Undefeated 10-1, baybeeee!!!!!!!!!”
Maybe he’ll let Kobe rattle part of his lonely chain at the birds and squirrels who pass by their lonely tomb, but there will only ever be one name on it.
I would have gone with cutting the hood off. They have jackets with hoods for when they’re on the sideline and the hood can’t fit over the helmet anyways. It might not be able to fit inside his shoulder pads comfortably.
Well considering that hard NFL hits can carry more G force than what would be expected in a severe car crash, yeah, it could replicate the force of a rope around your neck in a car accident. The potential is there for serious injury moreso than need be even if it could not replicate that force.
There is a supposed ER doctor that disagrees with you in these comments. Anyways, I don’t really care all that much, but I didn’t think it was a big leap to say a large amount of force directed at your throat is more serious than ripped out hair.
Oh for sure. Just because I see some added danger doesn’t mean I blame the tackler. Hell, I don’t even care that much tbh. But I could see the NFL changing the rule over such concerns. That was all I was saying.
It’s not the same injury risk. Not even remotely close. The worst that can happen from dreads is they get ripped out. The hoodie is wrapped around your neck. There are all kind of actual health risks to getting tackled by that.
True. That’s why I predict a revision to not allow hoodies or anything that creates a handle to pull on something attached to your neck. Maybe not until someone is hurt though.
What’s your point? Is the hair more painful? Sure. Is it wrapped around the players neck? No. Could pulling hair stop air flow to the lungs or potentially damage the trachea? No.
I feel like tackling someone by that hood would be dangerous.
This is a crazy photo
My two aunts got in a fistfight in the laundry room at my house, while my grandmother nagged my step mother about her decorating choices, and my grandfather sipped his scotch and kept muttering (about my grandmother) “Shut up, bitch.” It was a grand time.
So, what the hell is the point? How dumb is Van Slyke?
John Daly has never looked so competent.
This headline reads like something a supporter of penguin rape would say.