
No, it’s not. It’s delay from the plaintiff’s lack of action—aka CONDUCT. So, my statement that it focuses on time in an indirect only way is entirely correct.

No, it isn’t. It is based entirely on the plaintiffs and their lack of action in bringing the case. If it were a direct time limitation, there would be no pending case at present because it was filed even later.

In fact, the previous case against the Redskins trademark was thrown out because it was filed too late.

Maybe just “lazy and dumb assumptions about other commenters”?

lol. Wouldn’t catch me cheering for the Skins if my life depended on it.

Well put. Just because something should happen does not mean government should compel it to happen.

GOOD joke.

Conor is no Sandor.

yoooo. Thumb is dead.

Your children look delicious. May I have a taste?

why would he troll for white people? white people are people. there not fish

He’s a psychopath.

You sure about that? Looks like TX to me


This is Deadspin

pffffff. We all know he was talking about this, notwithstanding that technicality:

Beat me to it.

How convenient to have a life-threatening allergy handy to cover up for your love of Red Man, Adrian!

Damn. already at 1130

Did you hear that when they came back?