The Brown Bunny did one wonderful thing. It provided Roger Ebert with the best review of his life:
The Brown Bunny did one wonderful thing. It provided Roger Ebert with the best review of his life:
I think not being liked by Chelsea Handler is kind of a great thing.
Exactly. The few female friends (FFFs I guess) I have are wonderful women (WWs - jeez with this alliteration, it’s not intentional). There are no doubt other WWs out there. The women I’m deliberately not friends with are assholes (lookin’ at you co-workers). I mean, I’m an asshole, too. But our respective types of…
I resent the idea that just because I’m a woman I’m obligated to like and support all other women. Some women are jerks, just like some men. I support women, and will fight tooth and nail for our equality, but on an individual level some women are awful people and I don’t have to like them.
she’s an untalented airhead. she is not an “artist”. she made me cringe when she brought up “Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire would never do this”. ugh your just some blonde white lady your not actually an artistic actor.
Why do we keep trying to make Blake Lively happen? SHE’S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.
Blah blah blah Holly/Kendra war of words: BRIDGET I MISS YOU! I ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU SEEMED SO SWEET!
I fucking LOVE Gotham and I am so excited for Fish to come back. This show is bananas and I am all about it.
Aww, I love this meme. Just reminded me of back when Kanye had an actual personality. I really liked him back then.
you stop that right now
The parallel to heroin chic is a solid and compelling one.
The surprising thing to me is this appears to be a cyclical thing. Remember when girls were heroin chic? In other words, doing a drug that would effing kill you, would make you more better gooder to gaze upon in your slow, self-inflicted death. Ahhhh. Beauty. You should just go ahead and die for it. Totally worth it…
Marriages tend to crumble long before divorce filings. There could’ve been some infidelity, but it’s also possible that any appearance of cheating is due to outsider’s perspective.
I can’t be the only one super excited for Jada’s return to Gotham next week. You take the batshit (pun very much intended!) insanity that has been Season 2, and add Fish Mooney on top of it?
I’d dump a pizza to date Chris Evans. And I fucking love pizza.
Momager realized: Little one and Tiger “romance” won’t beat Rob/Chyna baby in ratings
I have this and love this and can attest that it is the best and everyone will love it and want it and will be shocked when you say it’s from LLBean. (Deep breath now.)
I HAVE THE ONE! It was asmallturnip that recommended it to me, right here on Jezebel (or maybe Millihelen), she has the same one and loves it just as much.
Chronic Lyme Disease is the latest made-up affliction affecting all rich people with nothing better to do than dream up vague symptoms and pay the quacks who benefit form it. Stop giving this bullshit press. It does nothing but make snake oil salesmen rich and confuse the public and negatively affect people who suffer…