Fifth Ave Easter Parade: Amazing hats by the people, for the people
Fifth Ave Easter Parade: Amazing hats by the people, for the people
I did a report on reservations and libraries. Part of my research was looking at communications. A lot of tribes don’t have access to telephones or Internet. The infrastructure is bad on many. We also have issues with corruption and working with off reservation people.
Racism. A lot of reasonable seeming people won’t date people of certain races. It is dating-specific racism. I imagine things like Tinder and other apps simply can reveal it in ways that are quantifiable.
Well, no. They didn’t. They usually died.
Another interesting treatment for syphillis was giving syphillis patients malaria on purpose. The malaria somehow kept the syphillis in check, and it was easier to treat the malaria than the syphillis. I hope we can come up with better solutions than that when antibiotic-resistant syphillis becomes more widespread.
“It’s not their fault because they waited until the last possible second to do the right thing and then a complication arose so the right thing couldn’t actually be done” is a shit take.
I think your judgement might be clouded by your proximity to the situation. They are absolutely 100% to blame. They let him be deathly ill for two and a half weeks before trying to take him to the hospital. There is no reason for his illness to have even reached the point where an ambulance and intubation would have…
I think this description’s probably the funniest:
They let their baby suffer for 2 and a half weeks. They are 100% totally to blame.
Before the advent of antibiotics, arsenic was used to treat syphillis. Still, not the best option.
Well, I mean, arsenic is natural, and that’s not going to really help people keep on living.
What I don’t get about naturopaths is that they always claim that “back in the old days” people healed themselves with these natural remedies. Well, no. They didn’t. They usually died. They might not die of a little trifling cold or fever (although some did!) but they died in large numbers of diseases that today have…
This couples naturopath DID tell them to go to a fucking hospital. They chose not to.
The Stephans’ case has sparked a larger debate in Canada about whether naturopaths, who are not exactly real doctors, should be allowed to treat children at all.
This is the funny part - it makes me think that he “found the support boat” on Craigslist and left it in his garage. He’s like “Support Boat - check" while packing his ball and setting off alone.
I can’t stop laughing at this Sea Hamster oh my god, humans are the best and worst thing in the world this is magnificent
I hope he pays every bit of that $144k and the $40k fine and then some.