
Yeah. This “link” comes back every few years or so, and i always click on articles like, “Huh, so they finally linked the two scientifically,” and every time it’s some reaaaaaaallly thin proof like sure all these people died of cancer and oh look they all used talc too so let’s say the talc did it.

He looks like Colin Farrell did during his bad years. Oof. C’mon Johnny. Pull out of that nose dive.

Don’t feel bad. A lot us were thinking it

I did. Can 100% back up that statement

You are my favourite commenter right now.

See, this is why I think high schools should have 4 years of personal health education along with the current curriculum. Teach the basics of mental health, relationship health, sexual health, and social health. One year each.

#TeamMinogue or the world burns. Think about your Yeezys melting under the heat of the hate of millions of Kylie fans kiddo. Other Kylie? Step. Off.

False. That’s Elle King you’re thinking of

Fuck you Banana. Lay off my grind.

Thank you for doing this work. We need more yous.

Your personal protective is clouding your reading. Yes, Mindy mentioned “how it is contacted.” However, Mindy did not point fingers at unprotected sex or drug use. Mindy did not say that all people who are HIV positive are reckless & immoral. Children don’t need to know those things, but they DO need to know the

I followed what my body said it wanted, which included “breaking” must of the pregnancy food rules. Soft cheeses, over easy eggs, sashimi ... that’s pretty much all I ate when I was pregs besides vegetables + fruit. I didn’t drink because I found all alcohol repulsive, but I did have green tea everyday. Kid is fine,

African Greys are the best! We had one who would call our dog in my dad’s “I have treats” voice. Pretty sure she knew she was driving the dog batty too.


Where are you learning Swedish? I’ve been looking for ANY class (online or on campus) and have found squat on the west coast of the U.S.

Find another doctor or be a big enough pain in the ass that this previous one listens. My husband’s best friend was getting reoccurring head aches above his left eye, and they did his blood work / all the normal tests & said there was nothing. It was only because he kept pushing for scans that they finally (after six

From my understanding the reason the judge chose to try them as adults is less about them serving time and more about the requirement of follow after care / accountability for their future behaviour.

My thing with my own tattoos has always been that if I love it deep down in my guts and it makes me smile to think about it becoming a part of me, I get it. Fuck other people if they think it’s cliche - the real question is: Do you think it’s cliche? Are you more worried about what other people think than you are

I was in bed being lazy while he was getting ready for work, rolled over and said, “Dude, I’ve got this rad dress and nowhere to wear it. Wanna get hitched?” And he said “Gal, sure thing.” And so we went down to the court house a few weeks later and did the do. I think our daughter was more excited than either of us,

You just made my night with that video.