Especially a four year child who is acting his age.
Especially a four year child who is acting his age.
Anyone else think it’s a little disgusting that they are calling a little black boy a monster child?
Not sure if the people at OK! Magazine have ever met a “monster” child but you can’t call a tantrum epic unless the kid is on the ground pounding the filthy asphalt with their toes while screaming bloody murder or whirling around a grocery store pulling things off the shelves while shrieking like a banshee or running…
I clicked and there is not one photo of that kid having anything close to a temper tantrum, and even if he was, who cares? He’s four. Four year olds are irrational and sometimes they cry.
I like to think he waited patiently for that tweet. He knew it was coming and he sat there waiting for it. It was glorious.
I feel like this buries the best part of the beef, where a Drumpf supporter called John Legend uneducated (because of course) and he responded, “actually the Donald and I graduated from the same university”. Daaaaaamn. You couldn’t plan for a more perfect burn.
The ickiest thing about Palin is that she told the court that Sailor was on an “aggressive” breast feeding schedule but got busted when Meyer showed the court a text from Palin which said she only bfeeds at night. She not only lies, she lies to the court. Brilliant.
Thank you. I have the worst type of bipolar disorder and I’m not an abusive prick. Yes bipolar disorder can exacerbate aspects of people’s if you’re naturally violent then an episode can make your fuse shorter, but unless you are already like that, having bipolar disorder isn’t going to make you…
What comes to mind to me are the reports from a while back that Chris Brown may have bipolar depression, if I’m recalling correctly. And that would actually go a long way to explain the return of his erratic, impulsive, and violent behavior, if he was cycling into a manic phase.
She reminds me of my MIL. When anyone finally calls her narcissistic bullshit and throws up their hands finally and just says “Enough. I’m done.” she practically throws herself to the ground like a toddler and wails “But what about MEEEEEEEE?! You don’t love meeeeee!”
I think nobody has said NO to her in a while.
Chris Brown looks and is acting like he’s back on something. Last time he looked the way he does now was right before a string of incidents with him and he ended up in jail.
1) The name Goldie is amazing (because it evokes Goldie Hawn, who I adore), so I may have to co-opt it for a future child — it’s okay, right, since our kids will likely never be in the same preschool?
I feel like you people are not talking enough about how beguiling my child is and talking too much about how to reinterpret an exchange about a chair that two adults already interpreted for you. Trust us that in the moment it felt like a very weird question given there wasn’t even a third chair at the table to begin…
#1 Leslie isn’t putting on an accent or faking her personality to be some kind of stereotype. That is how Leslie speaks in real life. If you don’t like it, maybe you have some hangups yourself.
#2 A lot of the lines the ladies say in this movie are improvised. They do a billion takes and each time they try something…
Endometriosis is no joke. I’ve had 5 surgeries and even had to go on FMLA due to recovery. But, literally, no one took it seriously except my doctor. My boss scoffed at me, my husband had a hard time understanding, and my family was just confused. I think it may be because people think “it’s just cramps” and that…
If I had my way, I would have been born the love child of Padma Lakshmi and Tom Collichio