
I like how Kendall and Kylie aren’t just not dressed for church they appear to be dressed for two completely different occasions and/or weather conditions.

As much as Gwyneth Paltrow may be out of touch and irritating to me, I really got to hand it to her, for being on such amicable terms with her ex, and keeping things civil, even if it’s just for show in front of the kids.

To skinny white chicks, yes. To anyone who knows of Serena Williams and her goddess body..... absolutely not.


Sadly I’ve to come realize that apparently in our society every leg that’s not a stick leg is a “thick” leg.

Looks like a weird makeup shoot to me where it’s all about artistry or whatever. I’m also white, so I feel like I shouldn’t really have a say in what constitutes black face. I’d like to hear from everyone else though. /confused

I’m gonna guess these knuckleheads think everyone in Billy and Suzy’s school should be forced into compulsory prayer, before the day begins, to their one true sky wizard. Along with their belief that no one should take an optional class meant to help flexibility and relaxation. The mind, it boggles. I wish I had yoga

Yeah that's the thing. No one is ever telling THEM that they can't practice their religion, so they have to resort to frivolous lawsuits over a completely non-religious GYM CLASS which also happens to be OPTIONAL in order to get attention. If you have to reach that far to prove you're being persecuted, you're not! Oh

Oh yeah! I used to live in Texas and my co-workers would circle up in the mornings and pray up clouds of angels around them to keep the devil out of the copier. For realsies. Oh how I wish I was exaggerating.

I want to take classes with this instructor. I hate the stupid pan flute/tinkling bell crap that most instructors I have been to use.

The only parts of gym class I liked in high school were badminton and field hockey. I killed at badminton - smashed blue darters across the net on the reg. My gym teacher was shocked at my enthusiasm. Then, when we got to the field hockey unit, I would actually run! I think he may have had a heart attack. He soon

From the below article: “The school system established its yoga program with a $500,000 grant from the K.P. Jois Foundation in the fall of 2012. The hope was that yoga would help the elementary school students focus on studies, keep them calm and even curb bullying.”

Wow, it’d be really super-cool if ultra-conservative religious folk could stop being xenophobic nightmares.

Yeah, but who is gonna save me from the evils of that hairstyle?

That’s how so many Christians feel. The fact that there are other religions at all infringes upon their religion. It’s maddening.

If it were just fear, education could take care of that. But there’s another force at work here: Money.

my religious freedom is being attacked because there are other religions

If these people could be bothered to google “yoga” they would find out that it’s origin is linked to Tantrism. Boy, did they miss a huge opportunity to accuse the schools of teaching Tantric sex! They could have all of Fox news in a breathless tissy.

Ha, CROSSfit. Teehee.