
RIP Obsidian. The game dev company that could never catch a break despite having critically well-received games. I still haven’t forgotten about their big budget Alpha Protocol disaster or how horrifically buggy Fallout: New Vegas was. Yet despite their glaring flaws, I had fun with both games.

Tribbles are beloved because because original appearance—and the first time the Federation encountered them

You’re kind of missing the point though, Joel felt if they just brought back the old crew it would be stale. Simply because there are new people doesn’t make it bad. The fact that it’s got the blessing of all the former cast and writers should be more than enough and that Joel is hands on involved in every episode

I’m actually excited for the fresh approach. In its prime, MST3K wasn’t exactly a static entity when it came to characters and voices. It’ll be refreshing to see a somewhat fresh take on the show rather than a slavish devotion to getting the old gang back together (looking at you, Full House, X-Files, etc.).

Don’t bee such a buzz kill

This seems pointlessly gimmicky.

I don’t know, it seems like it could be true Randian as it takes her ideas and logic to a final logical conclusion.

Isn’t the whole point of Ayn Rand that welfare and other social programs are just bringing society down to satisfy lazy moochers?

Hmm, have you seen the sequels? It is totally a semi-fascist state, and the goal of the Purge IS to kill the poor and disadvantaged minorities, so that the rich don’t have to spend money on stuff like wellfare and healthcare and whatever. And even with the Purge, there is not enough killing to satisfy the elite, so

It is a dystopia. Almost every dystopian narratives, even 1984, gloss over how the world got that way, because that is not the important part. They usually handwave it with mention of a vague disaster that happened in the past that destroyed our society.

It’s certainly a matter of opinion, and a lot of it depends on your playstyle when it comes to Minecraft. For example, building things has always been my number-one goal in the game, and that’s what made the repetitive resource-gathering fun for me, because it had a purpose and that was to collect enough resources to

>Minecraft is also half a game without the modding community.

Actually, anaglyph 3D is quite effective at representing depth. It just also happens to fatigue your eyes quite quickly because each eye is monochrome.