This is awesome news. I liked Rage back in the day and I really enjoyed the recent Mad Max game. Rage 2 sounds like it’s in the right hands.
This is awesome news. I liked Rage back in the day and I really enjoyed the recent Mad Max game. Rage 2 sounds like it’s in the right hands.
Golisano paid for a childrens hospital, so there’s that I guess.
I’ve been doing my best to wait about a month before picking up any of these type of games with a huge multiplayer aspect. If they don’t have it sorted by then I’ll just skip it.
I live in Syracuse, NY where we most certainly do not have a giant fucking mall. We have “Destiny USA” lol
I wondered how Logan Paul could think it was okay in the slightest to upload that vid. Then I saw some stuff with his father in it. That man is the creepiest douche-bro I have ever seen and it all became much, much clearer. The guy inserted himself into a vlog where a blindfolded teenage girl had to try to guess who…
The blu-ray drive of my day one X1 crapped out on me not long ago as well but it’s just me and my pit mix doggo at the homestead. I shall spend the rest of the day at work imagining what he must have stuck in there to break it.....
I’m as white as you can get and I sure as hell wouldn’t go up to someone’s house and ring the doorbell at night. Sometimes I get a Fedex for my neighbor a few houses down and I don’t see it at my door until I get home after dark. I don’t even think about knocking at their door right then, I wait until I’m on my way to…
Nobody is getting drugged with them 357s lol
She was begging for it so hard that she had blood coming out of her......
Nothing but Trouble is an awesome movie and Digital Underground were awesome as well. Tie the Knot, tie tie the knot....... oh yeah lol
From the first time I saw Franken on SNL I could just tell that he was a total and complete weirdo. Certainly not the fun kind of weirdo tho. I pegged him as a pedo, which I would still bet good money on him having pulled some inappropriate shit on a child or 25. For so long he has hidden behind his fake persona as…
She must have known she had a warrant out for her arrest and still she decided to slap on the bumper sticker in a state where it wasn’t going to go over well with the public. I’m not sure she should be branded as courageous, probably just stupid. I got a speeding ticket in Pennsylvania about 15 years ago that I never…
I really wish Microsoft would release sales numbers again, but yeah I understand why they don’t. That being said, people quote VGchartz and their “educated” (lol) guesses because when the people want numbers they get get them wherever they can and I’m pretty sure Vgchartz aren’t doing MS any favors with their guesses.
Nice try but enough with the fake news, Jason. I am the CEO of EA and me and Bigg Sean are BFFs. Glad I could clear that up for ya.
Maybe instead of bitching about it, all you poor people should go get another job or find a different hobby. (I’m trying to put myself in the midset of someone who thinks this bullshit is aok and I feel gross for it)
Microsoft still pays me every day to search with Bing.
People like ratings and in the land of digital distribution it’s hard - damn near impossible - for 3rd parties to get ahold of said info. Best idea is to take any of this info while enjoying one of those giant salt licks for deer. People crave this info so badly that sites like VGchartz can pull their numbers out of a…
If a Scientologist rapes someone (well, unless they’ve managed to have “gone clear”) doesn’t that mean, according to their beliefs, that they have also raped hundreds or even thousands of ghost people attached to the victim??
Years ago the company I work for leased a brand new GMC cargo van and while I was driving it home I noticed that the fuel gauge in the dashboard said “diesel fuel only” even though I knew damn well it ran on unleaded. I really, really wanted to fill it up with diesel to see the glorious destruction, but I knew all…