
How did Matt Lauer get away with his acts without his superiors at NBC knowing? They knew. How did Les Moonves get away with is improprieties without the CBS board knowing? They knew, Everyone at CBS also knew about Charlie Rose and the producer of Sixty Minutes. Now that accusations have come out against Tom Brokau,

Here’s the thing — I get this. I really do. I get it because it’s how, as a Jewish person, I feel about Israel. For Jews, Israel is a bit like your dad; embarrassing, possibly not totally emotionally rational, definitely has some good qualities, some bad ones, you guys disagree on stuff, possibly lots of stuff, but at

A simple hat ban made by a bunch of white dudes 200 years ago

This guy being a giant skeeve was obvious to me and the collective crush on him here was so fucking weird.


“We in America are misinformed,” he said. “Reality shows have warped our idea of what a hero is, or what the truth is.”

Great flagfucking Jesus, man.

I guess so, but there isn’t an Air Marshal on every flight. There was that group of Southwest passengers that group-murdered a guy that wouldn’t behave. And that was BEFORE 911. Southwest is the wrong airline to act up on. 

I don’t care if it’s a repeat. I didn’t see it before and it made me smile. Especially the part when he backed away from the stairs to take the ramp, but clearing the open doors with just inches to spare on each side was pretty good too.

It’s a dinner that raises money for Catholic charities, and Gaffigan has said that he (or at least his wife) is Catholic, so that’s my guess.

I generally look to the Real Housewives when getting medical advice. Glad to know I’m not the only one.

Farewell to the website who’s existence I just learned about in this post saying farewell. 

I haven’t received any either. Weird. 

Is it weird I didn’t receive it? I did just tell the DOJ that Trump was my least liked politician. Not complaining though!

Except Microsoft just announced a mouse and keyboard for XBONE, and I imagine Sony probably won’t be far behind.

I wish I can say that I’m surprised, but I’m not.

It must be a long week (year?) because I just teared up.

This new slightly more western track has the center of the hurricane going about 5 miles from my parents’ new place in Myrtle Beach.

God bless this magical show.

Nebraska sure is an anomaly.