
I love the Fallout games and recently discovered that there is one called Fallout Brotherhood of Steel that came out on the OG Xbox. I still have my Xbox (sadly the disc tray likes to open and close at will, making the console pretty much useless) but back when the game 1st came out I had absolutely no interest in

And yet I still haven’t actually managed to beat the game at all lol

I just heard a story on the radio that while in “therapy” he is constantly screaming that the whole thing is a conspiracy, sleeping during meetings and even smuggled in a cell phone he uses whenever the hell he feels like it. This guy NEEDS to get some jail time for him to even register the fact he did something wrong.

Back when I leased a brand new 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee I ended up running over a damn railroad spike. I pulled over and my Jeep actually had a full sized spare, which I changed all by myself. I put the destroyed tire back where the spare was and turned it in without saying a word. Even tho I was a kid back then, I

1997 was an awesome year. It was most certainly the year that I came closest to being “cool”. All downhill since then.

Winona Ryder is absolutely gorgeous and that terrible photo shop job on the Marie Claire cover would make me assume that she must be hideous irl if I didn’t already know that she is totes beautiful.   

Chances of coming to the Switch?

The don’t call it High school for nothin

She’s the best thing outta Syracuse since Bobcat Golthwait. Whatever the hell that means

I’m convinced that Trump really went to war with the NFL because of that whole XFL debacle years ago. If I remember correctly he sued the NFL for 1 billion dollars and got a grand total of $1. He’s never going to forget that.

I don’t believe this bullshit for even a hot second. That man in the picture gets puss lining up around the block for him. He need not sexually harass anyone as every woman (and man if he so feels the itch) belongs to him by default. He is a god.

I actually heard someone talking about what to call it when they throw POC into roles that were originally for a different race - apparently the term is “blackpacking” No idea about the terminology for switching in Asians tho

I finally started playing this for my Xbox (kinda want to wait for the X to keep playing it tho) and there’s some weird online stuff going on that keeps giving me points that I can redeem for AP, potions, gil etc. I’ve already gotten 200k gil and I kinda feel like I’m cheating. Was this stuff available from the

For some reason I thought that SeaWorld was already a dead company. Who the hell even goes there anymore?

The US needs single payer health care NOW.

This is not a problem that just 1 race has to deal with here is the US. Although I totally agree that POC have it harder, this is a problem that every single one of us need to recognize and address. The police have way too much power and a severe lack of training. They are taught to kill anything that poses even the

I can’t imagine that this bundle will sway many in Japan but I am interested to see how well the X sells over there.

I haven’t smoked in 10 years but this article makes me want a cigarette for some reason

Is being “blackballed” somehow considered sexual harassment now? If she was shut out after ending an affair maybe there’s some kind of legal recourse but calling it sexual harassment just doesn’t seem right. 

It isn’t too late. They should rekindle their relationship as soon as he decides to reveal himself to the world. He’s in Canada just waiting for the right moment - this could be it!