Dumpster Fire

That windshield would be much better if they were allowed to scrap that mirror for the backup camera.

I don’t think it will ever come out on console. They game too frustrating for the console audience.

Now they just need to change things so Rust isn’t just a venue for human hunting. I played it for many hours and was ultimately unable to achieve a single thing for any reasonable time. Basically there is like 1% of players who have it good and have giant impenetrable homes and go out to kill others for their

you could always mount a speaker on the outside of the car to make some vroom vroom sounds.

But this traffic circle is like no other traffic circle.

its a joke


Pretty sure bombs can be made for less. Ask google. They’ll make a JDAM for a few thousand. Just look at the shape of them. You could cut cost just by changing it to a cylinder with a nose.

Uh more propaganda to hurl at the American imperialist pigs, comrade.

Too bad mad Max is a shit movie.

Too bad mad Max is a shit movie.

I think putting these on stuff and selling them to idiots with poor taste is about the easiest money you can make.

He could have spoken to congress about everything they did and why and the GOP would’ve just applauded.

I just finished driving through Alabama and Mississippi. All I have to say is that this area of the country is holding us back. I never even saw a proper bathroom on my way through. It’s like a third world country. Everything is shit and half the buildings are vacant. I have no doubt Georgia is the same way. I have no

Thats true but I don’t think thats what this article was talking about nor does EM spectrum ionizing radiation contaminate objects.

I’m hoping by the time I can buy a Tesla, battery technology will be a little better.

Black voters don’t even know who Bernie Sanders is. A majority will never hear about or see this.

I have a least antenna and live downtown where all the broadcasting towers are. I can’t even get all the channels.

I have a least antenna and live downtown where all the broadcasting towers are. I can’t even get all the channels.

Out of all the name combinations you could have done I think Ploom ranks last.

I thought they were good. And I’m looking forward to more.

What do I have to do to get a TGI Fridays gift card? I will do anything. Literally anything. I will go into Applebees and tell them how awesome TGI Fridays is.