Dumpster Fire

Cadillac hasn’t done it because they simply aren’t capable. They don’t have the knowledge, experience or will. Plus I hear black people aren’t into EV’s. Thanks I’ll be here all week.

1. cops lights are way too bright to the point of blinding at night so I believe this is the proper treatment for all lights. 2. We are talking American poilice. How was the truck driver not immediately gunned down with 32 bullets.

Aaahaha the old 55 arrests routine. Didn’t see it coming.

What if this 89 year old man pulled a gun out and blew this kids head off while he was driving away? What side do you take?

Being in Texas, I’m surprised you haven’t been put to death yet. I’m not sure I’d blame them either.

So you’re saying my exploding penis wasn’t caused by the HPV vaccine?

The amount of money we spend on this bullshit makes me sick.

Nothing like shielding the children from reality. Is there any way to make them see all mosques as churches?

These batteries aren’t deals, a 20000mha should be like $35.

These batteries aren’t deals, a 20000mha should be like $35.

Well at least the FL dean doesn’t have to worry about losing his job over a shit swastika.

I said bye to inkjets a couple years ago a bought a brother for like $80 and I’m still using the original cartridge.

I said bye to inkjets a couple years ago a bought a brother for like $80 and I’m still using the original cartridge.

Ted Cruz would like to say that porn stars cannot be raped.

Now playing

The court of public opinion is nota court of law , and I don’t need Stoya or any woman to ‘prove’ that she has been raped for me to believe her.

So is he saying he paid people to stay quiet about it or that people blackmailed him?

Everybody taking the bombing videos is chanting Allah akbar. Probably the same people that we are arming and want Assad gone so they can institute some Sharia government. I’m wondering how the government is differentiating between ISIS goals and “rebel” goals, because I imagine they overlap. But what do I know.

No, whats shameful is that Charlie Sheen having HIV is somehow news. So good job Caroline.

Thanks for pointing out the problem with the rest of the world.

Well on the time scale of launching satelittes, no, things change very slow. And just because the weapons exist does not dictate necessity of these programs. Otherwise, you would see every other country that could afford it launching these satelittes.

If the old ones are still functioning why do we need new ones? Do idiots still actually think we’re going to get into a ballistic missile exchange?