Dumpster Fire

You pay the same amount at verizon whether you buy a subsidized phone from them or not. So if you don’t buy a phone from them, you’re wasting about $400

Its too bad the Nexus Player wasn’t more successful.

But this is just ESPN so it’s not like we are missing anything entertaining.

Chisel. Pans are just a fad.

Chisel. Pans are just a fad.

I think if its cut any higher, it enters full body thong territory.

It was only a part of the show, it raised money for a good cause and it wasn’t done with the intent to offend. So I guess you have to ask yourself, is your religion more important to you than Alzheimer disease

If peoples utilities are already being shut off, they’re doing utilities wrong.

Congress cut funding for the shuttle development actually. Which is why they ended up strapping SRB’s on the side. And it may not have been without military support, which also dictated design changes that made it larger and heavier.

No wonder terrorists want to blow NY up.

You haven’t been yet?

I predict the democrats are going to win the house, senate and the White House. And then somehow they are going to figure out a way to put Ted Cruz behind bars.

So basically congress will shut the government down over anything other than having a balanced budget.

No power cable. Lies, all lies.

No power cable. Lies, all lies.

If only congress could be more like him.

You’ll definitely need to conserve storage when youre only working with a pewney 5 GB after installing apps.

You know the question I won’t be asking? The name of that fucking song. Not every video needs music.

Jackie needs to stay home and talk shit about the other women in town like the good Christian she is.

This kids first mistake was playing football in the south. You make that decision and you pretty much just threw away getting a real education. But hey, maybe he’ll go pro.

On a similar note, all you people that can’t manage to stop having kids, sterilizing yourself might be appropriate.

On the other hand. Practice uphill running for a killer workout and legs that make the ladies say “oooooooooooh!!!”