
@Squalor: I'll take David Attenborough. Such exciting, thrilling inflection!

@tylerstyle: Yeah, fat, always getting in the way of taste.

@AmphetamineCrown: How would this apply to unaltered photographic image vs. mirror image?

"The You you're most familiar with, then, is actually an exact opposite of how you look to others"

@Gary_7vn: Well, when you put it like that, with common sense and all. Especially considering all the comments on the Contigo's that read similar to, "It lasted a whole year!"

@Gary_7vn: The deciding factor for me might be the price. I can get two of the Contigo mugs for less than one of a comparable Nissan bottle.

@Joseph Mclaughlin: Full City roasts the ever-living-crap out of their beans for a near-Starbucks level of bitter, astringent coffee. No thanks, but a lot of people do lvoe their brew (my gf, included). Also, Eugene's winter's are fairly mild. If you ever move out of Eugene, you'll learn what cold is. I've lived in

@Ding-Dang: That guy's not a statue? Give that man some money!!

@snownpaint1: Absolutely: this story, as is In to the Wild, is about privilege. The privilege to make the choice makes all the difference.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I had some squatting and hobo friends a few years back, and I had the same worries for them. Even if they plan on getting out of the lifestyle when their bodies start showing the inevitable wear, they'll have no marketable skills (more often than not) and will be more likely to

I've been thinking about splurging on a Nissan or Zojirushi vacuum bottle for a while. Saw these at Costco (in Eugene, actually) a couple weeks ago, but forgot to look up reviews. The price was certainly a lot better than the Nissan or Zojirushis. Thanks, Joel, and I totally sympathize with your move. I moved to

@nman: To each their own, but I'm certainly not alone, and not likely in the minority, either, when saying that a well done burger is a no-good piece of dry meat not worth eating.

@Triborough: [shirtless, sweaty men playing beach volleyball]

@psychiccheese: Medium rare burger have a lot more flavor, when done right. Also, thanks to meath thermometers, one doesn't need to eat an undercooked burger to guarantee that it's medium rare.

@bloknayrb: Holy smokes. Sorry, next time I'll "show all replies" before making a correction!

@AmphetamineCrown: Very simple solution - warm the cast iron (or whatever you choose to use) with the oven. As to the rest of your question, the benifits of cast iron are well documented: it's virtually non-stick, has excellent heat distribution, and is less of a chore to clean than my SS after use in this regard.

@nman: Because beef retains a lot more of its juices and therefore its flavor when it's not too-cooked. "Under" is relative as you use it, but for most people, eating what I suspect you feel is an adequately cooked burger is a tasteless and pointless chore.

I put my burgers on cast iron, warm them in the oven, then sear either side on the stove. Perfect burger every time. Works well with steaks and some fish, too.