
@bloknayrb: When'd they stretch centimeters into inches??

You mean to tell me I can't see stars as clearly in the urban sky as I could in exceedingly rural ares?

@zeusrex: Not so much the profiling that bothers, me, and who the heck knows what his father was doing - it might not have been profiling - but the consistent, priggish, and condescending expressions of power by FBI agents is both unnecessary and disgusting. I am 100% positive not all of them are like this but you

@alwayslost01: He can be a bit rant-y/preachy and he has his down spots like any comedian, but he can be quite hilarious.

@xCoolJackx: You ever think of pursuing a graduate degree in cultural theory?

@groundlessnfree: I would be surprised of Louis C.K. gave that much of a care.

@belassoff: You really think you could pick that up with one hand?

The paper pulp holders are probably significantly less wasteful.

I realize this isn't a fashion blog, but I'm surprised more people have not commented on the jacket. Not the ill fit, either. The garment itself is an abberation. Not only does it have shirt cuffs, it also has lapels with no color, seemingly to highlight the turtleneck.

I've heard several tales of sewage worker shoveling buckets of undigested vitamins from sumps.

@blyan-reloaded: They are stopped, though, right? So, a planned stop with slow approach to the front vehicle would be no problem for a no-doubt highly skilled driver in the rear truck? Large trucks routinely queue at loadin/unloading point within inches of the next vehicle. Clearly we have to seek out one of these

@blyan-reloaded: I can't see any reason they wouldn't do it as a matter of course, but I'm certainly no expert in driving massive trucks. Setup seems likely, too.

With that last paragraph, Gizmodo's creeping in on that brand of navel-gazing solipsism that so characterizes Wired.

@blyan-reloaded: You're not accounting for how wide the load is. There's also a curve in the road.

@SynthOno: And, if you look closely at the overlay, you'll see the layout doesn't follow the golden ratio. It might be inspired by it, but it doesn't follow it.

@alek2407: He does have a point. Some of the lines in the overlay do not match up with anything on the Twitter layout and when the overlay is removed, several linear features that do not correspond to the overlay will draw the eye's attention more than some of the overlay's lines.

Before too much mocking, it might be wise to remember that Iran is a nation that acheives disproportionate global clout by spending relative pennies on defense.

@EvanSei has poor spelling: If the outer rubber with the heart-pattern is flexible, they might be decent in rain, though certainly not as good as slicks for road use. In ice you're pretty much screwed with anything short of studded tires, anyway.