God I hope we get to live in a world where Facebook/Meta starts to rival Google in terms of “pushing a really big project that absolutely no one uses and then killing it five months later”
God I hope we get to live in a world where Facebook/Meta starts to rival Google in terms of “pushing a really big project that absolutely no one uses and then killing it five months later”
Really gave “vaguely from Brooklyn” vibes
Jet fuel can’t melt rocket boots
Regardless of what the next Avatar ends up being called, we must never forget that in 2019 they were seriously considering calling it: “Avatar: The Seed Bearer.”
My bet is it will be some version of the Mad Thinker, just because that will give us Awesome Android and we will be one step closer to him being Jen’s admin assistant
I’ve been waiting for Porcupine all season long, so happy he gets his due. I’m not holding my breath that we will one day seem him as Jessica Drew’s babysitter/love interest but you never know
Until her last scene, I just assumed she was a rebel agent trying to get access to the files without drawing attention to herself (hence sending her subordinate first). But then it seemed like she was genuinely upset by her dressing down so I guess she’s just really ambitious?
But it’s been nice that they’re just fun background things and not crucial to the plot. I honestly had no idea how much of that stuff in the store was established lore or entirely new made-up artifacts.
It’s goes so far to demonstrate this is a real world and with real stakes, not just a playground for the Skywalkers et al. to knock around in, everyone else’s lives be damned
How great would it be if they built up this entire trilogy and right at the end reveal that lol jk they actually were siblings the whole time
It’s semantics, but with a franchise like this that is entirely composed of disconnected stories happening in alternate dimensions, can any new instalment truly be a “reboot”?
Now you’ve put that in my head and I’m legit upset it hasn’t happened yet
Worried he’ll be looking over developer’s shoulders saying things like “Make the game good instead of bad”
Yeah, him listing all those games and kinda implying he’s the reason we know about them made me very uncomfortable.
They like when they recognize a thing. Even when the thing first showed up in a cartoon movie and they hated it, they love when they see it again and go “it’s the thing I know!”
Boba Fett has all the worst faults of the Mandalorian with very little of the cute puppet to counteract that. Obi-Wan feels a little better than both, but it still suffers from the constant need to go “remember a thing you recognize? It’s back, in streaming form!” This show so far actually feels like a different thing…
Oh that’s a load of rich, creamery poo-doo
Plus they also say stuff like “gamma squad” and “attack pattern Delta.” Are you saying there’s an ancient Greece in this universe? And it had such a major cultural impact that people are still using their alphabet to distinguish military strategies and callsigns?
Something something something Dark Side. Something something something need to take a shit.
As he should be