
Good. Because here is the thing: I would buy this Day 1 if they committed to supporting PC. I have a PS5, I like it, but I don’t foresee using the VR headset on that enough to justify the cost, but an foveated rendering, eye-tracking lightweight, high-res headset that I could also plug in for PCVR? Easy purchase at

Sony is definitely getting some weird favoritism here. The fact that everything they have said they are worried about Microsoft doing is straight from the Sony playbook of shit they’ve been doing for more than a decade is pretty clearly hypocritical. People keep pointing to Microsoft being a bigger company ignoring

I played on ps5 and I do remember thinking that I noticed a frame drop in that specific area and it was the only framedrop I ever got on ps5.

I have finished the game on PC and have not noticed any issues at all.

If someone didn’t like an aspect of a game, are they just...not supposed to talk about it? Do we now want games writers to HIDE that they didn’t like aspects of a game? I’m confused by the premise of your problem as well as the apparent severity of it.

I mean, fair point overall. I won’t let a single review change my mind, but I will let this information temper my expectations. Kotaku is generally a shadow of its former self, and maybe even a shadow of that shadow. Agree that that is primarily what I come here for also. That said, John is one of the more intentional

Did your dad also hand-crank start his own cars? ‘Cause that is actually how you start a car? It’s more “engaging” and causes you to “actually learn about governing the engine”.

so that’s a “no” on the journalism then?

was there any journalism involved in this brain fart?

I am clearly in the minority here, but I actually care about the environmental impact, I am comfortable enough to keep paying taxes on a “backup” ICE vehicle (zero emissions if you don’t drive it?), and I like the ability to charge it at night, have a much lower initial hit on the environment with the smaller battery,

It’s not idiotic just because you aren’t smart enough to understand it. 

Now, I’m not talking about it’s offroad prowess which stands for itself -- and is often how the press tests it as well. Reality is people pay stupid amounts of money for something they will never take offroad, just for looks. 

This is the weirdest article with the least amount of actual information.

Would have been nice if you explained what he was a suspect for? 

Hoo boy....this will be as successful as Steam Machines and Steam Link!

You clearly have a very interesting perspective. Could you elaborate on how my ego issues are manifest in this article, to the degree that they are the only reason this article exists? 

Can’t imagine what he’s going through. I hope they find her safe and soon.

Naw I need the rugged off road pedigree of the Wrangler to one up my friends and then only drive up and down the Jersey Turnpike for the entirety of my time with the car. 

Look, give them a break, they’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas!