Dunning Kruger Effect

Kelly is an objectively awful person, but expressing joy that he’ll get brutally raped in prison is pretty fucking sadistic. Sexual violence in prisons, and the enabling of it, hurts way more people than just those who you deem “deserving”. And in any case, perhaps we as a society should hope that no one is ever

I was waiting for someone writing for Deadspin to acknowledge Deadspin’s debt to “Ball Four.”

What the fuck is the point of this? Why is Deadspin giving Jerry fucking Remy a platform to perform his phony contrition without acknowledging that he spent his son’s lifetime bailing him out of his responsibilities?

Jerry Remy is human fucking is his entire fucking felonious family.  

All three of the Remy kids are felons. The other son also beats up women. To claim they’re good parents is laughable. This wasn’t an isolated incident and wasn’t just one bad apple.

Yeah, but if THREE of your kids turn out to be violent felons....that points to crappy parenting.

Not to mention that the other two kids are criminals also... So, probably a bad mom 

Yeah, and the other two kids (Jordan and Jenna) have both been in trouble with the law for committing violent crimes. WTF happened in that house?

So it seems to me he’s being a little unclear about something with his wife. While people should not call her a bad mother for her son being bad, he is glossing over the fact that she repeatedly bailed her son out of jail when he was beating up multiple partners, and that the girl he murdered lifted a protection order

I hope this books includes some soul-searching about the kind of parenting and apparent enablement that led not only to the murder of Jennifer Martel, but also led to Remy’s other two children being arrested for assault.

“The criticism lasted for months. It was just relentless and cruel.”

If you cannot remember the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re,’ then we can’t keep you out of the grays*. And if we can’t keep you out of the grays, then we can’t have you on Deadspin!”

The practice facility used to be in Waltham. Now it’s in Boston proper, in Brighton at the New Balance HQ. So Kyrie never practiced in Waltham. The Bruins practice here, it’s a whole corporate shit show over there (Bose and a bunch of other companies have moved into adjacent space, because the kidz don’t like working

Thank you... I can now leave this post a satisfied Deadspin customer

All the poor tendencies Harper is showing this year at the plate he displayed last year in Washington. Phillies management and ownership are getting what they deserve. Too bad the Philadelphia fans will be stuck with this deadweight for the entire next decade. These sportswriters are nothing more than shills for the

As a woman, I can tell you she was not made “uncomfortable” by this. Mildly annoyed, irritated, yes, maybe. But uncomfortable would imply that this was something somehow unusual that would take her aback... I guarantee she hears something similar at least weekly, if not daily.

But no one circles the wagons quite like Deadspin. If Bill Simmons were to kill himself tomorrow they’d swear they never said a bad thing about him; you just interpreted everything they said about him all wrong. There has never been a human more sure they’ve figured out life like people who blog for a living.

Deadspin's default mode is hater. What else can you expect?

It’s amazing how consistently Deadspin has been wrong about the NBA. Just off the top of my head, they criticized the Porzingis draft pick, called the Sixers rebuild a failure, ripped the Toronto Raptors multiple times on their way to a championship, and wanted the Pelicans to accept far less for Anthony Davis than