Dunning Kruger Effect

Just as I will remember your name for writers to avoid.

Shep, at this point, you really should consider killing yourself.

Shep, at this point, you really should consider killing yourself.

Nosferatu on an endless loop +1.

From what I here, the proofreader at Deadspin is also semi-conscious.

...and the Steelers could have had the Patsie’s 1st round draft pick too. A dagger to the heart opportunity missed.

One may only hope that tonight’s debate is not as mind numbing as the failed thoughts you just strung together.

Myositis Ossification.

As with most things LA based.... cliched & sleep inducing.

My understanding of federal lockup suicide watch is that there is always a guard just OUTSIDE the always lit, shatterproof glass enclosed cell. All food is bagged. Without utensils. Most importantly the only fabric allowed in the cell is the suicide proof clothing/smock the inmate is wearing. By suicide proof it means

Fish meet barrel.

And Bill Russell won.

Back and to the right.

Madison Avenue would like to speak to you.

Somewhere in Colorado, Tim Thomas stands a little taller tonite. Tomorrow morning the ceiling of his bomb shelter will be raised.

With all due respect to the weekend warriors out there. I am a tradesman in the telecommunications biz, for near now 40 years (gawd help me). I have climbed Telco poles (with gaffes) and towers and still currently climb ladders, roofs and roof hatches (try carrying 60lbs of equipment thru them. Yeehaw). I have

Hopefully if and when he falls asleep in the clubhouse his players will humiliate him too.

Carpetbagger alert.

It would seem as if LA Lakers have regifted a Boston Red Sox bon voyage gift. Enjoy your trip, Luke.

You mean Ray Bourque, past union rep for the NHLPA? No way!

Actually, their wages are top knotch right now. Compared to their competitors non-union working staff. Sorry to be snarky but had you properly comprehended the above cut and paste, you would understand that the issue is based on an increase in their cost of benefits. Which negates any increase in their hourly wage. To