Clay Davis

Pretty sure it's happened before when someone played an idol.

Is there a chance Joe knew about the idol?

Kass also knows that suddenly Woo is very tight with Savage. Not a bad idea to cut that out without alienating the majority of your alliance.

Many a player falters in Survivor when they get too invested in their own idea of themselves as a kind and benevolent leader.

Spencer is terrible. It is known.

Seems like it wouldn't have been hard for her to pocket that suggestion for later use, either to go with Monica in an all-girls alliance should one actually materialize, or to portray Monica as untrustworthy later on.

Would have been nice, but look what happened to Peih Gee when she went after Abi.

Why didn't Ta Keo send Joe?

Fascinating. I've never heard from anyone who is a fan of that part of the show specifically.

Out of curiosity, what aspect of the game were you into before now?

He promises!

If I was on the opposing alliance, I'd vote out Shirin over Spencer. Spencer is a bigger help in challenges, and probably easier to contain in terms of flipping the numbers back in his favor.

Yeah I thought the same thing. What was so affecting about a story in which he came home in your suit and found the "most beautiful brunette in the world" (why did he have to qualify her hair color?) sitting in his apartment? The most affecting thing about it was his own reaction, which probably brought out some

Anachronistic music during the orgy? The music was from a John Adams symphony from the 1980s. It was an absolutely fantastic choice, especially the way it built tension as Ani moved through the scene.

Stop telling me facts that disagree with my pet theories!

Seeing him in the Ponderosa clips, where the first thing he tries to do is flirt with a medical staff member, makes me inclined to agree with you.

Yeah, Tyler just seemed like he was trying to help out Carolyn there. He talked about Mike's paranoia as if it was a massive character flaw and as if Mike didn't have very, very good reasons to be paranoid.

I see what you did there.

Do you watch Survivor?

They wanted to get rid of his HII.