Clay Davis

Oh no. He talked. He had to mention out of the blue that he might not stick with his blue collar alliance and that his vote was most certainly up for grabs.

Don's pitch to Ted sounded heartfelt, but he could have gotten work somewhere else if that's all that he wanted. He wanted to come back to the agency he helped build.

He wouldn't have been financially destroyed, but he would have lost his equity in the firm. He would have had to go to McCann or some other firm as a hired gun.

The thing is, we really don't know, do we? They could have just edited the part out when Tony called her a name.

Tasha really gets short shrift with this episode. I mean, she knew she had to play Tony too. All the work she put in bonding with the girls was expressly for putting Spencer in the position to stoke Tony's paranoia. Spencer has the easier task, since Tony is already paranoid.

No you are not. Although I never found him particularly likable.

Come on. Spencer's an economics student. How do you expect him to understand concepts like "value" and "odds"?