Clay Davis

That's not clear at all, considering that Sierra still gave her the legacy advantage.

Did anyone else think of Lenny as Dr. Caligari in the black and white scene?

I think Tai was purposefully attracting Sandra's attention in the vote, and that was part of the majority's plan.

The extra vote would be more valuable to a better social game player. The people who have gotten it (Debbie, Dan) have not had a very good social game. Not saying it's the wrong choice though.

Does anyone else think that Tai's big story about Ozzy was part of the show that Zeke and Ozzy wanted to put on to fool Sandra? It basically came down to Sandra just hoping Tai was really the target, instead of truly flipping the game in a different direction.

Yeah, but that is predicated on the idea that she could trust and control Tony. I think she made the calculation based on watching Tony that she couldn't count on that at all, and she was probably right.

If that's their strategy, they need to have a definite plan to neutralize her at that point rather than just point out that she is a big threat based on past seasons. She was successfully able to argue her way into FTC the last two times based on whatever info she could leverage in the moment.

Rob Mariano was able to build up a similar mystique for himself, but not among so many seasoned veterans of the show.

the original spy shack idea was unbelievably stupid too, but it seemed to work out for him.

I imagine for some players there's a wariness about crossing her early because she is known to be vindictive. "She's a two time winner for a reason." For others, they know she's won it twice and think that she is more predictable and an easier vote than Tony, at least.

Aubry has an extra vote?

I meant votes in the short term, not votes to win the game at final tribal.

No, there's a sort of Johnny Fairplay strategy there of trying to be a villain. But in this case it's to attract votes, not trying to become a goat.

Yes, it was a good move because they couldn't control Debbie. They wanted the option to vote out Julia in the future and Debbie ruled it out completely.

"It's a natural product of the game. Under these physically stressful conditions your ability to distinguish logic, big picture or small, from emotion is virtually gone."

I don't know about that. She may be thinking that she could earn some trust back with Aubry & Co by voting with them, all while taking out an Aubry ally. Scot and Jason have to work with her, too.

She also did quite a bit post-merge too, especially right after the merge.

Was anyone else really bothered by Spencer's "I've really changed for the better" strategy. Yes, it's nice that you've learned a little more how to act like a human rather than a Survivorbot. But this isn't a contest about your own personal journey; it's about who can outwit, outplay, and outlast the competition.

I took it to mean "You won't find me in Brazil because I don't live there."

In fairness, they could have gotten rid of Joe and flushed the voting advantage at the same time.